Microsoft Office Excel, commonly referred to as Microsoft Office Excel, is a powerful spreadsheet program developed by Microsoft. Widely used for data management, analysis, and organization, Microsoft Office Excel is an essential tool in business, academics, and many personal projects. From creating complex financial models to tracking personal expenses, Microsoft Office Excel offers versatility and a robust suite of features.
Microsoft Office Excel operates primarily as a spreadsheet program, meaning it arranges data into a grid of rows and columns. Each point where a row and column intersect is known as a “cell.” Cells in Microsoft Office Excel can contain data such as numbers, text, or formulas. By organizing information in a structured layout, Microsoft Office Excel allows users to perform various calculations, analyze data trends, and visualize data through graphs and charts.
Microsoft Office Excel a key feature of is its powerful formula and function capabilities. Microsoft Office Excel functions, such as SUM, AVERAGE, and VLOOKUP, allow users to quickly calculate values and analyze data with minimal effort. Advanced functions enable users to apply complex calculations, such as financial modeling, statistical analysis, and logical functions like IF statements. This functionality makes Microsoft Office Excel valuable for anyone who needs to manage large data sets or perform advanced calculations. With the ability to link cells and use formulas, Microsoft Office Excel helps ensure data consistency and reduces manual calculation errors.
Microsoft Office Excel Beyond calculations, Microsoft Office Excel includes features to help visualize data through charts and graphs. Users can convert data into bar charts, line charts, pie charts, scatter plots, and other visual representations to present data meaningfully. Visualizing data in Microsoft Office Excel aids in identifying trends, patterns, and outliers that might not be evident from raw numbers. This visualization is critical in business environments, where data-driven decisions rely on accurate and accessible information.
Microsoft Office Excel also supports conditional formatting, allowing users to format cells based on the values they contain. For example, one could highlight cells above a specific value in green or mark cells that contain errors. This feature makes it easier to interpret data at a glance, as users can quickly identify significant values or trends within a large dataset.
Microsoft Office Excel Collaboration is another advantage of Microsoft Office Excel, especially with cloud-based integration through Microsoft OneDrive or SharePoint. By saving Microsoft Office Excel files to the cloud, users can share them with colleagues, enabling simultaneous editing and viewing. This feature is essential for projects involving multiple contributors or when data is frequently updated. Microsoft Office Excel also allows users to control permissions, ensuring data integrity while enabling effective teamwork.
Microsoft Office Excel Data analysis tools in Microsoft Office Excel, such as PivotTables and Power Query, further enhance its capabilities. PivotTables allow users to summarize and analyze large datasets, creating customizable reports that can quickly answer specific business questions. Power Query provides tools to clean, transform, and consolidate data from various sources, making Microsoft Office Excel suitable for preparing data before deeper analysis.
Microsoft Office Excel applications are broad, ranging from personal finance management and inventory tracking to scientific research and data science. It supports users across industries, from finance and healthcare to education and marketing. Even if a user is not a data professional, Microsoft Office Excel intuitive interface and extensive online resources make it relatively easy to learn and implement in various scenarios. It is a fundamental tool for professionals who work with data or need to organize information systematically.
Microsoft Office Excel is a dynamic tool that offers extensive features for organizing, analyzing, and visualizing data. From basic calculations to advanced data analysis, Microsoft Office Excel is indispensable across many fields and functions.
Microsoft Office Excel is a spreadsheet program developed by Microsoft. Microsoft Office Excel organizes data in columns and rows and allows you to do mathematical functions. It runs on Windows, macOS, Android and iOS. The first version was released in 1985 and has gone through several changes over the years. However, the main functionality mostly remains the same.Excel is most commonly used in business settings. For example, it is used in business analysis, human resource management, operations management and performance reporting. Microsoft Office Excel uses a large collection of cells formatted to organize and manipulate data and solve mathematical functions.On the worksheet, click a cell. Type the numbers or text that you want to enter, and then press ENTER or TAB. To enter data on a new line within a cell, enter a line break by pressing ALT+ENTER.On the worksheet, click a cell. Type the numbers or text that you want to enter, and then press ENTER or TAB. To enter data on a new line within a cell, enter a line break by pressing ALT+ENTER.
Microsoft Office Excel / Excel is typically used for:
- Analysis
- Data entry
- Data management
- Accounting
- Budgeting
- Data analysis
- Visuals and graphs
- Programming
- Financial modeling
- And much, much more!
Why Use Excel?
Microsoft Office Excel It is the most popular spreadsheet program in the world. Microsoft Office Excel is easy to learn and to get started.The skill ceiling is high, which means that you can do more advanced things as you become better. Microsoft Office Excel can be used with both work and in everyday life, such as to create a family budget. It has a huge community support. It is continuously supported by Microsoft Templates and frameworks can be reused by yourself and others, lowering creation costs MS Excel.
Microsoft Office Excel Lesson Plan:
GST Part:
Attendance Sheet & Payroll Sheet
Salary Sheet
1) Being a Blank Workbook through Microsoft Excel 2007/2019 Application.
Answer : Start -> Run -> Type Excel -> Enter -> Type Your Lesson .
2) Type the Word Swastick Youth Computer Training Center in a cell and make it bold,font size – 18,font – Times New Roman.
Answer : Type any Cell Computer Training Center Name -> Home -> Font : Times New Roman -> Size : 20 -> Style : Bold
3) Now, Autofit the word in that cell.
a)Make multiple copies of this word
b) Autofit all the copies cells at a time with the help of Autofit Command.
Answer : (a) Click on Fill Menu -> Then Select 20 Cells.
(b) Click on Fill Menu -> Fill Series Menu.
4) Fill the following Series :-
a. Fill a series vertically with start value 13, step value 7 and stop value 203
b. Create a series vertically from 2000 to 175 with a difference of 30.
c. Create a series horizontally with the first day of each month of this year.
Answer : (a) Type 11 in any Cell -> Home -> Fill -> Series -> Column -> Stop Value: 9 -> Stop Value : 207 -> ok
(b) Type 2016 in any Cell -> Home -> Fill -> Series -> Column -> Stop value: 30 -> Stop value : 175 -> ok.
(c) Type 01/01/2024 any Cell -> Home -> Fill -> Series -> Row -> Date -> Month -> Step Value : 1 -> Stop Value : 01/12/2024 -> ok-> Select all Date -> Home -> Number -> Date -> Select Date -> ok.
5) Rename the worksheet to a new name Series.
Answer : Right Click on Worksheet Name -> Rename -> Type Series
6) Create The Calendar In Your Worksheet With The Format Exactly Shown Below.
Answer : Type From Lesson your Type Sun to Sat & 1 to 6 -> Select 0 to 6 -> Home -> Fill -> Series -> Series In : Column -> Type : Date -> Date Unit : Day -> Step Value : 7 -> Stop Value : 31 -> OK -> Type From your lesson.
7) Insert Any Picture On The Top Position Of Calendar & See Print Preview Of The Sheet.
Answer : Right Click On 1 No. Row -> Insert -> Enter Row -> Insert -> Shapes -> Rectangle -> Draw Rectangle -> Shape Fill -> Picture-> Select Any Picture -> Insert.
8) Create A Pocket Money Pian And Calculate Total.
Answer : Total : =Sum(Select Monday To Sunday Number) -> Enter -> Double Click On Fill Menu -> Total : =Sum(Select Monday All Number) -> Enter -> Click Fill Menu And Select Monday To Total.
9) To Create A Line Chart On Expenses On Snacks.
Answer : Select Expenses To Sunday -> Then Select Snacks To Sunday All Number By Ctrl Press -> Insert -> Chart -> Select Any Line Chart -> OK .
10) To Create A Pie Chart On Expenses On Different Categories In Week 1.
Answer : Select Expenses To Others -> Then Select Sunday All Number By Ctrl Press -> Insert -> Chart -> Select Any Pie Chart -> OK .
11) Save the File with Your Full Name, Course and Batch No.
Answer : CTRL+S -> Save This File With Your Name.
1) Being a Blank Workbook through Microsoft Excel 2007/2019 Application.
Answer : Start -> Run -> Type Excel -> Enter -> Type Your Lesson .
2) Currency: Select All No. Of Share Number -> Home -> Number -> Currency -> Symbol -> रु Hindi(India) -> Decimal Place:2 -> Ok.
3) Share Value : =Price Per Share*No. Of Share -> Enter
4) Commission : = If(No.Of Share<100,Share Value*1%,If(No.Of Share>=100,Share Value*0.5%)) -> Enter
5) Total Share Value : = Sum(Select All Share Value Number) -> Enter
6) Total Commission : = Sum(Select All Commission Number) -> Enter
7) Total Portfolio Value : = Total Share Value -> Enter
8) Net Worth : = Total Portfolio Value+Cash Left -> Enter
9) Profit / Loss : =(Net Worth – Initial Money)- Total Commission -> Enter
10) Pie Chart : Select All Share Name -> Then Select All No. Of Share By Ctrl Press -> Insert -> Chart -> Pie Chart -> Ok.
11) Save the File with Your Full Name, Course and Batch No.
Answer : CTRL+S -> Save This File With Your Name.
1) Being a Blank Workbook through Microsoft Excel 2007/2019 Application.
Answer : Start -> Run -> Type Excel -> Enter -> Type Your Lesson .
2. Now Calculate The Total, Average, Maximum & Minimum Of All The Students.
Answer : Total:- =Sum(Select Dos To Excel Number) -> Enter
Average:- =Average(Select Dos To Excel Number) -> Enter
Maximum:- =Max(Select All Number Of This Column) -> Enter
Minimum:- =Min(Select All Number Of This Column) -> Enter
3. Insert One Row Between Roll No.2 And Roll No.3
Answer. Right Click On Roll No.3 -> Insert -> Enter Row -> Ok
4. Now Insert The Following Record : (Roll:8, Name:Sunanda Chakraborty, Course:Cbm, Dos:22, Windows:35, Word:27, Excel:50)
Answer: Entry Record From Lesson
5. Now Calculate The Total, Average By Copying The Previous Formula.
Answer: Drag And Drop Total And Average Fill Menu.
6. Now Format The Average Values Up To 2 Decimal Places.
Answer: Select All Average Value -> Home -> Number -> Number -> Decimal Place:2 -> Ok
7. Now Create A Comment As “Indranarayanpur” Against The Name “Bony Bairagi” Of The Above Table . View The Comment And Then Delete The Comment.
Answer : Right Click On Bony Bairagi -> Insert Comment -> Type Comment From Lesson -> Click On Out Side -> Place Cursor On The Comment Text Area -> Then And Thir Show Comment Text -> Right Click On Bony Bairagi -> Delete Comment.
8. Now Set Another Column Percentage After Average And Calculate The Percentage Of All The Student Using Formula.
Answer : Right Click On Remark Column -> Insert -> Enter Column -> Ok -> Type Percentage.
Percentage:- =Obtaind Total Marks / Total Number Of Exam% -> Enter
9. Calculate Remark Of The Following The Statement
Percentage | Remark |
Above 100 | Invalid |
100 | Excellent |
>=90 | Very Good |
>=80 | Good |
>=50 | Fair |
Below 50 | Fail |
Answer : Remark:- =If(Percentage>100,”Invalid”, If(Percentage=100,” Excellent”, If(Percentage>=90,” Very Good”, If(Percentage>=80,” Good”, If(Percentage>=50,” Fair”, If(Percentage<50,” Fail”,)))))) -> Enter .
10. Now Insert Row above the table and Merge & Center, then write “Student Mark Sheet” .
Answer : Right Click on Heading Row -> Insert -> Enter Row -> OK -> Select Blank Cell Roll to Remark -> Home -> Marge and Center -> Type Student Marksheet .
11. Create a Clustered Column Chart based on the above table .
Answer : Select all Student Name and Press CTRL Dos, Windows, Work, Excel Number -> Insert -> Chart -> Column Chart -> OK -> Design -> Chart Style -> Select any Chart Style -> Chart Layout -> Select any Layout .
12) Save the File with Your Full Name, Course and Batch No.
Answer : CTRL+S -> Save This File With Your Name.
1) Being a Blank Workbook through Microsoft Excel 2007/2019 Application.
Answer : Start -> Run -> Type Excel -> Enter -> Type Your Lesson .
Orientation : Select Text Theory To Total -> Home -> Number -> Alignment -> Horizontal : Center -> Vertical : Center -> 90 -> Ok.
Wrap Text : Select Text Grand Total -> Home -> Alignment -> Horizontal And Vertical : Center -> Text Ctrl : Wrap Text -> Ok.
Line Break : Alt + Enter.
2) Calculate The Total And Grand Total Using Formula.
Answer : Total : = Sum ( Select Theory To Total Marks) -> Enter
Grand Total : = Sum (Select First Total Marks, Second Total Marks) -> Enter
3) Change The Font Size Of The Title “MARKS SHEET” To 28 And Also Make It Bold.
Answer : Select Heading Marks Sheet -> Home -> Font -> Size: 28 -> Style: Bold -> Ok.
4) Calculate Average For Marksheet.
Answer : Average :- =Obtained Total Marks/200% .
5) Calculate Grade [ Condition : 90% Above=A+ ; 80-89%=A; 70-79%=B+; 60-69%=B; 50-59%=C; 40-49=D; 30-39=E]
Answer : Grade: =If(Avg>100,“Invalid”,If(Avg>=90,“A+”,If(Avg>=80,“A”,If(Avg>=70,“B+”,If(Avg>=60,“B”If(Avg>=50,“C”,If(Avg>=40, “D”,If(Avg>=30,“E”)))))))) -> Enter.
6) Insert A Row Just Above The Subjects And Write Your Full Name And Course Within That Single Cell In Separate Lines.
Answer : Right Click On Subject -> Insert -> Enter Row -> Ok -> Type Text .
7) Align All The Values In “ Center” Format.
Answer : Select All Values Of This Table -> Home -> Alignment -> Center -> Ok.
8) Protect The Worksheet With Your First Name And See The Protection .
Answer : Review -> Protect Sheet -> Type Password Two Times -> Ok.
9) Unprotect The Current Worksheet And See Whether It Is Unprotected Or Not.
Answer : Review -> Unprotect Sheet -> Type Right Password -> Ok.
10) Save The File In Your Name , Close The File And Exit From Excel.
Answer : CTRL+S -> Save This File With Your Name.
1) Being a Blank Workbook through Microsoft Excel 2007/2019 Application.
Answer : Start -> Run -> Type Excel -> Enter -> Type Your Lesson .
2.(A) Calculate DA(Dearness Allowance)As 50% Of Basic.
Answer : DA:- =Click On Basic No*50%. -> Enter
(B) Calculate HRA(House Rent Allowance)As 20% Of Basic.
Answer: HRA :- =Click On Basic No*20% -> Enter
(C) Calculate ESI(Employee State Insurance)As 5% Of Basic.
Answer : ESI/Medical:- =Click On Basic No*5% -> Enter
(D) Calculate Gross As Basic+DA+HRA+ESI.
Answer : Gross:- =Basic+DA+HRA+ESI/Medical -> Enter
(E) Calculate PF(Provident Fund) As 12% Of (Basic+Da) Is Less Than 6500 Or 12% Of 6500 If(Basic+Da) Is Greater Then Or Equals To 6500.
Answer : PF:- =IF((Basic+DA)<6500(Basic+DA)*12%,IF((Basic+DA)>6500,6500*12%)) -> Enter
(F) Calculate Net As Gross-PF
Answer : Net:- =Gross-PF -> Enter
(G) Print The Maximum Net.
Answer : Maximum Net:- =Max(Select All Net Value No) -> Enter
(H) Print The Minimum Net.
Answer : Minimum Net:- =Min(Select All Net Value No) -> Enter
3.Calculate The Grand Total Of Net In Any Cell For Those Whose Basic Is More Than Rs.5,000.00 By Using Formula.
Answer : Grand Total Of Net:- =Sumif -> Ctrl+A -> Range:Select All Basic No -> Criteria:>5000 -> Sum Range:Select All Net Value -> Ok
4. Sort The Above Table In Ascending Order Taking Name As Primary Key And Basic As Secondary Key.
Answer : Select Whole Salary Table -> Data -> Short -> Short By:Emp Name -> Short On:Values -> Order:A To Z -> Add Level -> Then By:Basic Sort On:Values -> Order:Largest To Smallest -> Ok.
5. Set The Gross Of Krishna Chuhan To Rs.12,500.00 By Changing His Basic Using Goal Seek.
Answer : Select Gross Value For Krishna Chuhan -> Data -> What If Anelysis -> Goal Seek -> Set Cell:Select Gross Value Of Krishna Chuhan -> To Value:12500 -> By Changing Value:Select Basic Value Of Krishna Chuhan -> Ok
6. Set The Net Of Rahul Dubey To Rs.12000.00 By Changing His Basic Using Goal Seek.
Answer : Select Net Value For Rahul Dubey -> Data -> What If Analysis -> Goal Seek -> Set Cell:Select Net Value Of Rahul Dubey -> To Value:12000 -> By Changing Cell:Select Basic Value Of Rahul Dubey -> Ok -> Ok.
7. Show The Precedents Arrow For The Tax Cell Of Ananta Jana.
Answer : Select PF Of Ananta Jana -> Formula -> Trace Precedent.
8. Show The Dependents Arrow For The Basic Cell Of Kaikasha Banu.
Answer : Select Basic For Kaikasha Banu -> Formula -> Trace Dependents.
9. Now Remove All Arrows.
Answer : Formula -> Remove Arrows.
10. Do The Following Using Auto Filter.
Answer : Auto Filter:- Select Main Salary Table -> Data -> Filter.
a) Display Only Those Record Whose Basic Is More Than Rs.5,000.00
Answer : Click On Drop Down List Of Basic Column -> Number Filter -> Click Custom Filter -> Shows Row Where:Basic -> Equals -> Is Greater Than -> 5000 -> Ok -> Data -> Clear.
b) Display Only Those Record Whose Basic Is In Between Rs.5,000.00 And Rs.6,000.00
Answer : Click On Drop Down List Of Basic Column -> Number Filter -> Click Custom Filter -> Shows Row Where:Basic -> Equals: Is Greater Then Or Equals To -> 5000 -> And -> Equals: Is Less Then Or Equals To 6000 -> Data -> Clear.
c) Display Only Those Record Whose Name Starts Either With”A”Or“K”.
Answer : Click On Emp Name Drop Down List -> Text Filters -> Custom Filters -> Show Row Where:Emp Name -> Equals:Beings With -> A -> Or -> Beings With -> K -> Ok -> Data -> Clear.
d) Display Only Avispita Sarkar’s Record.
Answer : Click On Emp Name Drop Down List -> Text Filters -> Custom Filters -> Show Row Where : Emp Name -> Equals:Avispita Sarkar -> Ok -> Data -> Clear.
e) Display Only Those Record Whose Dept Are Not Sales.
Answer : Click On Department Filter -> Text Filter -> Custom Filter -> Shoe Row Where: Department ->Does Not Equals -> Sales -> Ok -> Data -> Clear.
f) Display All Record.
Answer : Select Table -> Data -> Filter -> Off Filter.
11) Now With The Help Of Advanced Filter Do The Following.
A. Display Those Records To A New Location Of The Worksheet Whose Name Starts With”R”And Net Is More Than Rs.9,500.00
Answer : Condition Table
R* | >9500 |
Data -> Advanced -> Copy To Another Location -> List Range : Select Main Salary Table -> Criteria Range : Select Condition Table ->Copy To : Select Any Blank Cell -> OK .
B. Display Those Records To A New Location Of The Worksheet Who are working in Sales Dept.
Answer : Condition Table
Data -> Advanced -> Copy To Another Location -> List Range : Select Main Salary Table -> Criteria Range : Select Condition Table ->Copy To : Select Any Blank Cell -> OK .
C. Display Those Records To A New Location Of The Worksheet whose Department is Acct and Basic more than Rs.6,000.00
Answer : Condition Table
ACCT | >6000 |
Data -> Advanced -> Copy To Another Location -> List Range : Select Main Salary Table -> Criteria Range : Select Condition Table ->Copy To : Select Any Blank Cell -> OK .
D. Display Those Records To A New Location Of The Worksheet whose Basic is in between Rs.5,500.00 to Rs.7,000.00
Answer : Condition Table
>=5500 | <=7000 |
Data -> Advanced -> Copy To Another Location -> List Range : Select Main Salary Table -> Criteria Range : Select Condition Table ->Copy To : Select Any Blank Cell -> OK .
E. Display Those Records To A New Location Of The Worksheet Whose Name is not starting with “R” but Basic is below Rs.5,000.00
Answer : Condition Table
<>R* | <5000 |
Data -> Advanced -> Copy To Another Location -> List Range : Select Main Salary Table -> Criteria Range : Select Condition Table ->Copy To : Select Any Blank Cell -> OK .
12) Save the File with Your Full Name, Course and Batch No.
Answer : CTRL+S -> Save This File With Your Name.
1) Being a Blank Workbook through Microsoft Excel 2007/2019 Application.
Answer : Start -> Run -> Type Excel -> Enter -> Type Your Lesson .
2) Insert A New Column STATUS Before HRA Column.
Answer : Right Click On HRA Column -> Insert -> Enter Column -> Type STATUS.
3) Display The Status “ Senior Citizen” In “STATUS” Column For Those Persons Whose Age Is Above 60 , Otherwise Display “ Normal” .
Answer : STATUS: =If(Age>60,“Senior”,“Normal”) -> Enter.
4) Now Calculate The HRA Amount Based In Salary According To The Given Condition Below.
Salary | Hra |
<3500 | 10% Of Salary |
3500-4500 | 15% Of Salary |
4501-6000 | 20% Of Salary |
>6000 | 25% Of Salary |
Answer : HRA :- =If(Salary>6000,Salary*25%,If(Salary>=4501,Salary*20%,If(Salary>=3500,Salary*15%,If(Salary<3500,Salary *10%)))) -> Enter.
5) Now Calculate The Net With Salary + HRA Formula.
Answer : Net: = Salary + HRA -> Enter.
6) Convert The Value Of Salary , HRA, NET Upto 2 Decimal Place.
Answer : Select All Salary , HRA , Net Value -> Home -> Number -> Number -> Decimal Place:2 -> Ok.
7) Now Perform The Following Operations In Different Cells Using Functions:
a. Find Out The Maximum Value Of The Net Column In The Employee.
b. Find Out The Minimum Value Of The Net Column In The Employee.
c. Find Out The Total No Of Employees With Designation “Manager”.
Answer : a. Maximum Net: = Max (Select All Net Value) -> Enter.
b. Minimum Net: = Min (Select All Net Value) -> Enter.
c. No. Of Manager: = Count If -> Ctrl+A -> Range: Select All Designation -> Criteria: Manager -> Ok.
8) Calculate The Total Salary Of Salary Of Those Employees , Who Are Getting More Than 8000 Net Column Using Function.
Answer : Total Salary Of Salary: = Sum If -> Ctrl+A -> Range: Select All Net Value -> Criteria: >8000 -> Sum Range: Select All Salary Value -> Ok.
9) Now Sort The Above Table In Ascending Order Of Designation.
Answer : Select Main Salary Table -> Data -> Sort -> Sort By: Designation -> Sort On: Values -> Order: A To Z -> Ok.
10) Now Calculate The Total Salary In Each Designation Using Sub-Total.
Answer : Select Main Salary Table -> Data -> Sub Total -> At Each Change In : Designation -> Use Function: Sum -> Add Subtotal To: Salary, HRA, Net -> (On 3 Option) -> Ok.
11) Save the File with Your Full Name, Course and Batch No.
Answer : CTRL+S -> Save This File With Your Name.
1) Being a Blank Workbook through Microsoft Excel 2007/2019 Application.
Answer : Start -> Run -> Type Excel -> Enter -> Type Your Lesson .
2) Total Rs Purchase :- =Quantity (Packet)*Purchase Rate(Pr) -> Enter
3) Sale Rate :- =( Purchase Rate + Purchase Rate*30%) -> Enter
4) Total Rs. Sale :- =Quantity(Sale)*Sale Rate -> Enter
5) Total Purchase Cost :- =Sum(Select All Total Rs. Purchase) -> Enter
6) Total Product Sale :- =Sum(Select All Total Rs. Sale) -> Enter
7) Total Item :- =Count (Select All Quantity(Packet)) -> Enter
8) Total Quantity Purchase :- =Sum(Select All Quantity(Packet)) -> Enter
9) Total Quantity Sale :- =Sum(Select All Quantity(Sale)) -> Enter
10) Total Stock Item In Hand :- =Total Quantity Purchase – Total Quantity Sale -> Enter
11) Save the File with Your Full Name, Course and Batch No.
Answer : CTRL+S -> Save This File With Your Name.
1) Being a Blank Workbook through Microsoft Excel 2007/2019 Application.
Answer : Start -> Run -> Type Excel -> Enter -> Type Your Lesson .
2) Total Amount :- =Qty*Rate -> Enter
3) Discount(If Any) :- =Total Amount*0% -> Enter
4) Taxable Value :- =Total Amount – Discount -> Enter
5) CGST/SGST :- =Taxable Value + Total Tax -> Enter
6) Total Tax :- =CGST + SGST -> Enter
7) Sub Total :- Taxable Value + Total Tax -> Enter
8) Total Invoice Amount :- =Round(Subtotal,0) -> Enter
9) Save the File with Your Full Name, Course and Batch No.
Answer : CTRL+S -> Save This File With Your Name.
Krishna Enterprises (SOLVE PART)
1) Being a Blank Workbook through Microsoft Excel 2007/2019 Application.
Answer : Start -> Run -> Type Excel -> Enter -> Type Your Lesson .
Amount :- =Quantity*Rate -> Enter.
SGST :- =Amount*9% -> Enter.
CGST :- =Amount*9% -> Enter.
Total :- =Sum(Amount,SGST,CGST) -> Enter.
Round Total :- =Round(Total,O) -> Enter.
Round Off :- =Round Total-(Amount+SGST+CGST) -> Enter.
Taxable Value :- =Amount -> Enter.
Central Tax Amount :- =CGST -> Enter.
State Tax Amount :- =SGST -> Enter.
Total Tax Amount :- =Central Tax Amount+State Tax Amount -> Enter.
Total :- =Sum(Taxable Value) -> Enter.
2) Save the File with Your Full Name, Course and Batch No.
Answer : CTRL+S -> Save This File With Your Name.
1) Being a Blank Workbook through Microsoft Excel 2007/2019 Application.
Answer : Start -> Run -> Type Excel -> Enter -> Type Your Lesson .
Gross Amount :- =Quantity*Rate -> Enter.
Total :- =Sum(Select All Gross Amount) -> Enter.
Total Amount :- =Total -> Enter.
Discount(5%) :- =Total Amount*5% -> Enter.
Total Taxable Value :- =Total Amount-Discount -> Enter.
CGST/SGST :- =Total Taxable Value*6% -> Enter.
IGST :- =Total Taxable Value*12% -> Enter.
Total Gst :- =CGST+SGST+IGST -> Enter.
Net Amount :- =Total Taxable Value+Total GST -> Enter.
2) Save the File with Your Full Name, Course and Batch No.
Answer : CTRL+S -> Save This File With Your Name.
1) Being a Blank Workbook through Microsoft Excel 2007/2019 Application.
Answer : Start -> Run -> Type Excel -> Enter -> Type Your Lesson .
2) 1st Amount :- = Quantity* 1st Rate -> Enter.
3) Taxable Value :- = 1st Amount -> Enter.
4) 2nd Amount :- = Taxable Value* 2nd Rate -> Enter.
5) 3rd Amount :- = (1st +2nd + 3rd Amount) -> Enter.
6) Total Amount :- = Sum (Select All 1st Amount ) -> Enter.
7) Output CGST :- = Sum ( Select All 2nd Amount ) -> Enter.
8) Output SGST :- = Sum (Select All 3rd Amount) -> Enter.
9) Total :- = Round (1st Total Amount + Output CGST +Output SGST,0) -> Enter.
10) Sales R/O :- = Total – (1st Total Amount + Output CGST + Output SGST) -> Enter
11) Save the File with Your Full Name, Course and Batch No.
Answer : CTRL+S -> Save This File With Your Name.
Attendance Sheet & Payroll Sheet (SOLVE PART)
Attendance Sheet
1) Being a Blank Workbook through Microsoft Excel 2007/2019 Application.
Answer : Start -> Run -> Type Excel -> Enter -> Type Your Lesson .
2) Select One Month All Column -> Right Click On Selected Column -> Columns Width: 4 -> Ok.
3) No. Of Student Present :- = Countif -> Ctrl+A -> Sum Range: Select All Present,Absent And Holidays Of This Row -> Criteria: P -> Ok.
4) No. Of Student Absent :- = Countif -> Ctrl+A -> Sum Range : Select All Present,Absent And Holidays Of This Row -> Criteria : A -> Ok.
5) Total Holidays :- = Countif -> Ctrl+A -> Sum Range: Select All Present,Absent And Holidays Of This Row -> Criteria : H -> Ok.
6) Total Student Present :- = Countif -> Ctrl+A -> Sum Range : Select All Present And Absent Of This Row -> Criteria : P -> Ok.
7) Total Student Absent :- = Countif -> Sum Range : Select All Present And Absent Of This Row -> Criteria : A -> Ok.
Payroll Sheet
8) Validation Rule :- Select Sun To Sat All Cell Of This Table -> Data -> Data Validation -> Setting : Allow -> Whole Number -> Minimum : 0 -> Maximum : 10 -> Input Message -> Employee Duty Hour -> Title : Validation Sheet -> Error Alert (X) -> Stop -> Title : Employee Duty Hour -> Please Entry Employee Duty Hour Between 0 To 10 -> Ok.
9) Total Hour :- = Sum (Select Sun To Sat All Duty Hour) -> Enter.
10) Amount :- = Total Hour* Per Hour Rate -> Enter.
11) Total :- = Sum ( Select All Duty Hour Of This Row) -> Enter.
12) Save the File with Your Full Name, Course and Batch No.
Answer : CTRL+S -> Save This File With Your Name.
1) Being a Blank Workbook through Microsoft Excel 2007/2019 Application.
Answer : Start -> Run -> Type Excel -> Enter -> Type Your Lesson .
2) Allowance :- =Gross – Basic -> Enter
3) Pf 12% :- =Round(Basic*12%,0) -> Enter
4) ESI 1.75% :- =Round(Gross*1.75%,0) -> Enter
5) P.TAX :- =IF(Gross>=8500,90,0) -> Enter
6) Total Deduction :- =Sum(Pf 12%+ESI 1.75%+P.Tax) -> Enter
7) PF 13.36% :- =Round(Basic*13.36%,0) -> Enter
8) ESI 4.75% :- =Round(Gross*4.75%,0) -> Enter
9) Wage Payable :- =Gross+PF 13.36%+ESI 4.75% -> Enter
10) Closing Advance :- =Opening Advance + Taken Advance – Less Advance -> Enter
11) Employee Get :- =(Gross+ Other Allowance) – Total Deduction – Less Advance -> Enter
12) Employer Payable :- =(Wage Payable + Other Allowance + Leave Adjust) – Less Advance -> Enter
13) Total Wage 14 Heads :- =Wage Payable -> Enter
14) Service Charge(200*14) :- =(200*14) -> Enter
15) Total Wage 14 Heads :- =1st Total Wage 14 Heads + Service Charge -> Enter
16) Service Tax 14% :- =Round(2nd Total Wage 14 Head*14%,0) ->Enter
17) Net Payable :- =(2nd Total Wage 14 heads + Service Tax 14%) -> Enter
18) TDS 2% :- =Round(Net Payble*2%,0) -> Enter
19) Net Payable Swastika Enterprises :- =Net Payable – TDS 2% -> Enter
20) Save the File with Your Full Name, Course and Batch No.
Answer : CTRL+S -> Save This File With Your Name.
Přijetí hypoteční platby může být obtížné pokud
nemáte rádi čekání v dlouhých řadách , vyplnění závažné formuláře , a odmítnutí
úvěru na základě vašeho úvěrového skóre .
Přijímání hypoteční platby může být problematické,
pokud nemáte rádi čekání v dlouhých řadách , podávání extrémních
formulářů , a odmítnutí úvěru na základě vašeho úvěrového skóre .
Přijímání hypoteční platby může být problematické , pokud nemáte rádi čekání
v dlouhých řadách , vyplnění extrémních formulářů a odmítnutí
úvěrových rozhodnutí založených na úvěrových skóre .
Nyní můžete svou hypotéku zaplatit rychle a
efektivně v České republice.
Přijetí hypoteční platby může být obtížné pokud nemáte rádi čekání v dlouhých řadách
, vyplnění závažné formuláře , a odmítnutí úvěru na
základě vašeho úvěrového skóre . Přijímání hypoteční platby může
být problematické, pokud nemáte rádi čekání v dlouhých řadách , podávání extrémních formulářů ,
a odmítnutí úvěru na základě vašeho úvěrového
skóre . Přijímání hypoteční platby může být
problematické , pokud nemáte rádi čekání v dlouhých
řadách , vyplnění extrémních formulářů a odmítnutí úvěrových rozhodnutí založených na úvěrových skóre
. Nyní můžete svou hypotéku zaplatit rychle a efektivně v České republice.
People find it much more appealing to see
dressed carcasses than to be completely covered up. And a
portion of the appeal is the vulnerability
that comes with being shirtless and feeling a little
embarrassed or exposed during sex. When both functions are in the shield, it increases
the friendship of the gender. When their partner is defenseless,
dominance is specifically appealing to some people.
And let’s not forget about the shirtless video: they
genuinely go all out when it comes to showing off all, focusing on penetration, and on privates.
People find it much more appealing to see dressed systems than to
be completely covered up. And one of the things that appeals is the experience
of vulnerability, such as when a woman plays intercourse and feels a little ashamed or exposed while she is shirtless.
When both events are in the buff, it increases the intimacy of the
gender. When their spouse is resilient, dominance
tends to appeal to some guys especially. And let’s not forget about the nude movie: they really go all out when it comes to showing off everything, focusing on insertion, and on private parts.
People find it much more appealing to see dressed systems than to be completely covered up.
And one of the things that appeals is the experience of vulnerability, such as when a woman plays
intercourse and feels a little ashamed or exposed while she is shirtless.
When both events are in the buff, it increases the intimacy of the gender.
When their spouse is resilient, dominance tends to appeal to some guys especially.
And let’s not forget about the nude movie: they really go all out when it comes to showing off everything,
focusing on insertion, and on private parts.