Microsoft Visual Basic MCQ refers to a multiple-choice question that tests knowledge and concepts related to Microsoft Visual Basic programming language. Visual Basic is an event-driven programming language developed by Microsoft, which is primarily used for building Windows applications. Microsoft Visual Basic MCQ has been widely used for creating graphical user interface (GUI) applications and is known for its simplicity.
Question 1
A counter variable is normally incremented or decremented by _
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 1
Question 2
How many values a check box can have ?
a) 4
b) 1
c) 3
d) 2
Question 3
Data report is divided into how many sections?
a) 5
b) 6
c) 4
d) 3
Question 4
How many mdi forms added in a project file?
a) 5
b) 1
c) 4
d) 2
Question 5
How many radio buttons in a frame can be selected at the same time?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 2
Question 6
Timer control contains __ no. Of events.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Question 7
How many shapes are possible in a shape tool
a) 6
b) 7
c) 8
d) 9
Question 8
How many colors in RGB()
a) 16
b) 256
c) 255
d) 15
Question 9
How many bytes of memory will the number 50000 consume if it is declared as a variant?
a) 13
b) 14
c) 15
d) 16
Question 10
How many default controls are available in VB?
a) 20
b) 21
c) 23
d) 22
Question 11
In visual basic a variable name cannot be more then ……… characters
a) 450
b) 255
c) 355
d) 500
Question 12
A text box can hold as many as …………. characters for a single line text.
a) 2052
b) 2048
c) 2058
d) 2047
Question 13
To exit visual basic
a) Click alt- Q
b) Use the file menu to select Quit
c) Click on the diskette icon
d) Use the window menu to select exit
Question 14
To run an application in visual basic
a) Click on the start button (blue arrow)
b) Use the file menu
c) Use the project menu to select run
d) None of the above
Question 15
Which symbol creates an access key in the text of a menu item?
a) @
b) #
c) &
d) $
Question 16
Which of the following is a relational operator?
a) AND
b) <
c) +
d) &
Question 17
Which of the following arithmetic operations has the highest level of precedence
a) +-
b) */
c) ^exponentiation
d) ()
Question 18
Which of the following is a valid visual basic conditional statement?
a) 2<n<5
b) 2<n or <5
c) 2<n or 5
d) (2<n) or (n<5)
Question 19
__ control is used to reporesent the items in a hierarchical manner
a) Tree view
b) Grid view
c) Progress bar
d) None of these
Question 20
Visual basic maintains a project file with the extension……
a) .frm
b) .vbp
c) .vbs
d) .cls
Question 21
The form module has file extension….
a) .frb
b) .fra
c) .frm
d) .fru
Question 22
QB Color() Code range Between
a) 0 to 15
b) 0 to 255
c) 0 to 16
d) 0 to 256
Question 23
The value of option button is
a) Yes\no
b) 0\1
c) True\false
d) 0\2
Question 24
Storage size of byte data type is…………………..
a) 1 BYTE
b) 2 BYTE
c) 3 BYTE
d) 4 BYTE
Question 25
When the user clicks a button _ is triggered
a) An event
b) A method
c) A setting
d) A property
Question 26
To continue a long statement on another line use.
a) An underscore character
b) An ampersand character
c) Ctrl+ enter
d) A space followed by an underscore character
Question 27
An algorithm is defined as
a) A mathematical formula that solves a problem
b) A tempo for classical music played in a code
c) A logical sequence of a steps that solve a problem
d) A tool that designs computer programs and drows the user interface
Question 28
Which text box property should always be changed first?
a) Border style
b) Name
c) Font
d) Accepts return
Question 29
which sequence of char data types is listed from lowest to highest?
a) a,A,z,Z
b) a,z,A,Z
c) A,a,Z,z
d) A,Z,a,z
Question 30
What is the full form of ADO
A) Acting database object
B) Active data object
C) Active database object
D) Active data object
Question 31
__ . method is used to retrieve the stored text from the clipboard.
a) Set text
b) Get text
c) Input
d) Add
Question 32
“form load ()”the “load” is name of
a) Keyword
b) Procedure
c) Syntax
d) All of the above
Question 33
An object is composed of
a) Events
b) Procedure
c) Syntax
d) All of the above
Question 34
Auto size property is for
a) Label
b) Combo box
c) Button
d) All of the above
Question 35
Controls are:
a) Method
b) Code
c) Object
d) All of the above
Question 35
For ………………… next is used when
a) A choice is made based on a Boolean condition
b) A book of statements is executed an unknown number of times
c) A block of statements is executed a known number of times
d) All of the above
Question 37
In event driven programming an event is generated by
a) The program itself
b) A users action
c) The system
d) All of the above
Question 38
The right side of an assignment statement will hold
a) A variable
b) An object property
c) An expression
d) All of the above
Question 39
Val() function used for convert
a) String to date
b) Text to number
c) Number to string
d) All of the above
Question 40
Visual basic is
a) Operating system
b) Programming language
c) Application software
d) All of the above
Question 41
Setting the selected index
a) Cause an error
b) Cannot be done
c) De select any selected item
d) All of the above
Question 42
Which is true of a do… loop?
a) The while condition goes after the do keyword
b) The unit condition goes after the do keyword
c) The while condition gose after the loop keyword
d) All of the above
Question 43
Which statements are optional in an if ….. then statement?
a) If
b) Then
c) Else
d) All of the above
Question 44
Dim a as integer where integer is
a) String
b) Number
c) Boolean
d) All of the above
Question 45
The advantage of for …… next loop over do …. loops is that are
a) Less prone to being infinite loops
b) Good for working with arrays
c) Easier to read and maintain
d) All of the above
Question 46
Which value for the combo box drop down style property allows a user to type in data?
a) Drop down
b) Dropdown simple
c) Dropdown list
d) All of the above
Question 47
The standard reporting tool in vb is
a) Crystal report
b) Ma access
c) Data report
d) All of these
Question 48
Which program will you use to assemble a program written in il
a) Idasm
b) Cir
c) Ilasm
d) All the above
Question 49
IDE is.
a) A development environment for machine language
b) A software project management tool
c) Independent development enterprise
d) An integrated development environment for VB
Question 50
Code is.
a) Update able in the form editor
b) Instructions
c) Seldom used
d) An object
Question 51
Which of the following is the proper order of procedures used in the problem solving process?
a) Analysis, design, coding, testing
b) Analysis, testing, design, coding
c) Design , analysis, coding, testing
d) Analysis,design, testing, coding
Question 52
Variables appearing in the header of a function procedure are called _
a) Value of the function
b) Parameters
c) Coordinate
d) Arguments
Question 53
From how many plase in the code can a procedure be called?
a) 1
b) 100
c) 3
d) As many times as needed
Question 54
Which dose the solution explorer not display?
a) Form Properties
b) Reference folder
c) Form file
d) Assemble file
Question 55
Which property of command button sets the appearance of the control
a) Appearance
b) Look
c) Style
d) Bock Color
Question 56
_ control display all the files under a directory
a) Drive list box
b) Dir list box
c) File list box
d) Both 1 and 2
Question 57
An array of controls can be populated by
a) Creating control s and assigning them to the array
b) Borrowing controls that will automatically assign them to the array
c) Assigning existing controls to the array
d) Both a and b
Question 58
The Boolean data type
a) Is unsigned
b) Has two states
c) Is displayed by the program as true or false
d) Both a and b
Question 59
What is required to reference an element is an array?
a) Array name
b) Index value of the element
c) Element value
d) Both a and b
Question 60
What is required to reference an element in an array?
a) Array name
b) Index value of the element
c) Element value
d) Both a and b
Question 61
Which task is accomplished in the Code editor?
a) Adding forms to the project
b) Adding controls to the form
c) Adding event procedures to the form
d) Both a and b.
Question 62
In txt name txt
a) The property is txtname
b) The property is text
c) The object is text
d) Both a and c is correct
Question 63
What would be a good name for a text box to hold a person s first name
a) First name txt
b) First name text
c) Box first name
d) Box first name
Question 64
Which are the standard prefixes for the button and combo box controls respectively?
a) Btn and chd
b) Btn and cbo
c) Bto and chd
d) Bto and cbo
Question 65
Which is not true about forms and control in visual basic?
a) They are pre- built
b) They are graphical objicts
c) New versions of the classes must be created with each project
d) Buttons can be created with the drag and drop method
Question 66
Which type of procedure returns a value
a) Sub procedure
b) Procedure
c) Funcation
d) By val
Question 67
Which one is not object oriented programming
a) C
b) Java
c) C#
d) C++
Question 68
What is this button used for
a) Stopping other programs taking inputs
b) Terminating the application
c) Drawing 3rd object
d) Check the application
Question 69
Which menu object property places a check mark in the display of the menu text
a) Check
b) Checked
c) Check mark
d) Check on
Question 70
Debug window is the same as _ window
a) Form
b) Procedure
c) Object
d) Code
Question 71
List property is used
a) Label
b) Text box
c) Command button
d) Combo box
Question 72
Vbcritical is used for
a) Msgbox
b) Tex box
c) Input box
d) Combo box
Question 73
………………. control is used to provide an id identifiable grouping for other controls
a) Frame
b) Label
c) List box
d) Command button
Question 74
The proper operator precedence from first to last is
a) Logical comparison and arithmetic
b) Arithmetic comparison and logical
c) Arithmetic logical and comparison
d) Comparison arithmetic and logical
Question 75
What dose the diamond flowchart symbol represent
a) Input\output
b) Terminal
c) Decision
d) Connector
Question 76
In the ide which of following is used to design the layout of an application?
a) Form designer window
b) Form layout window
c) Project explorer window
d) Context menu
Question 77
A text box is an example of
a) Event
b) Button
c) Method
d) Control
Question 78
A module- level is available to all the in the module
a) Event
b) Procedures
c) Task
d) Data
Question 79
Key fields of the connection string property are
a) Mode
b) Provider & data source
c) Provider
d) Data source
Question 80
_ is a data type can be used to declare a text of maximum million characters
a) String
b) Numeric
c) Single precision
d) Date
Question 81
A __ bar apperars in the top of the screen
a) Integer
b) Variant
c) String
d) Decimal
Question 82
The default data type for vb is _
a) Integer
b) Variant
c) String
d) Decimal
Question 83
The color of a button is
a) One of the its properties
b) Not update able
c) Defined in the project
d) Defined in the intermediate window
Question 84
If you encounter a run time error or you pause the program execution, you are in?
a) Compile time
b) Break time
c) Run time
d) Design time
Question 85
Event- driven languages are
a) FORTRAN based
b) Are used to write procedural languages
c) OOP
d) Designed to make programming GUl easier
Question 86
Which is not a feature of a GUL that makes learning a program easy for users?
a) Online help
b) WYSIWYG formatting
c) Dialog boxes
d) Detailed key strokes and commands
Question 87
The statement to declare a local variable called index that will store whole numbers is.
a) Dim index as WHOLE
b) Dim str index as string
c) Dim index as integer
d) Dim my form as integer
Question 88
Which is a valid statement for declaring a variable?
a) Const form as integer
b) Const my form as integer
c) Dim form as integer
d) Dim my form as integer
Question 89
“Auto redraw = true “ property is used for
a) Display text on label
b) Display text on frame
c) Display text on command button
d) Display some text on form body
Question 90
The object browser:
a) Displays the command buttons and text boxes, etc
b) Shows frequently used shortcuts as objects
c) Is a context menu
d) Displays the object linraries and their combinations of data and code
Question 91
What type of numeric variable type holds the most data ?
a) Short
b) Long
c) Integer
d) Double
Question 92
What is the extension of a data report file
a) Bas
b) Cls
c) Frx
d) Dsr
Question 93
The Rnd statement will generate (n)?
a) Decimal value between 0.01 and 1.00
b) EEinteger value between 0.01 and 1.00
c) Decimal value between 0.0 and 1.0
d) Edecimal value between 0.0 and up to 1.0,but not including 1.0
Question 94
The code that is used in a sub procedure to stop execution of a program is ?
a) Exit
b) End with
c) End
d) End sub
Question 95
A text box is an example of which of the following?
a) Property
b) . control
c) Method
d) Event
Question 96
Dynamic arrays can be declared when the user may not know the__________ the array at design time.
a) Exact value
b) Exact column
c) Exact variable
d) Exact size
Question 97
Which is not a valid exit statement?
a) Exit do
b) Exit for
c) Exit sub
d) Exit form
Question 98
Which is not a valid value for the list box multi select property?
a) None
b) Simple
c) Multi extended
d) Extended
Question 99
The shortcut key of “menu editor”is
a) CTRL + E
b) CTRL + T
c) CTRL + R
d) F4
Question 100
Short cut key of properties window?
a) F5
b) F4
c) F7
d) F6
Question 101
The three main logical operators are _ ,,and .
a) And,or, not
b) And ,if,not
c) Or , not, if
d) False ,and true
Question 102
_ is used to select a particular record.
a) Data provider
b) Data base
c) VDM
d) File pointer
Question 103
Which property of file list sets the path and filename of a selected file.
a) File
b) File type
c) File name
d) File path
Question 104
Which common dialog control property specifies the choices in the “files
Of type “ dropdown box?
a) File name
b) File type
c) Filer
d) File pointer
Question 105
What is the value of the index for the first element in a vb 6.0 array?
a) 2
b) 0
c) 1
d) First
Question 106
Which is not a proper looping structure?
a) Do while
b) Loop unit
c) Do until
d) For… next
Question 107
Which selection process is an example of multiple branches from a single expression
a) If then
b) Select case
c) Do loop
d) For next
Question 108
…………………………… is a collection of files
a) Class
Question 109
Sell ength properties used to
a) Returns or sets the number of character selected
b) Returns or sets the starting point of selected text
c) Selected all text
d) All of the above
Question 110
Which of the following is not part of the IDE.
a) Code editor window
b) Properties window
c) Form layout window
d) General window
Question 111
Microsoft windows uses a GUI environment GUI(pronounced “gooey”) stands for
a) Geographical user interchange
b) Graphical user interface
c) Geometrical upper intelligence
d) Grammatical user incorporation
Question 112
The tag property can.
a) Only hold string values
b) Only hold integer values
c) Only hold Boolean values
d) Hold any data defined by the programmer
Question 113
_ represents the immediate parent node for the new node in a tree view control
a) Key
b) Relationship
c) Relative
1d) Image
Question 114
Which window shows information that results from debugging statements in our code
a) Watch window
b) Variables window
c) Locals window
d) Immediate window
Question 115
Which property of DirList Box returns the index of the currently selected item in the control
a) listIndex
b) list
c) list count
d) index
Question 116
Which is not an integer data type?
a) Single
b) Byte
c) Short
d) Integer
Question 117
What dose IDE stand for?
a) Integrated Development Environment
b) Integrated Design Environment
c) Interior Development environment
d) Interior design environment
Question 118
The statement checks in the module for usage of any undeclared variables and reports
an error tothe user.
a) External
b) Looping
c) Dim
d) Internal
Question 119
Which method of a list box will remove just one item at a time?
a) Items. Remove at
b) Item. Clear At
c) Items . clear At
d) Item Remove At
Question 120
__ event occurs when mouse moves over any control
a) Mouse Move
b) Mouse Up
c) Mouse Down
d) Key press
Question 121
“MAX” property is for
a) Text box
b) Combo Box
c) H Scroll Bar
d) Label
Question 122
Multi line = true property is used
a) Input box
b) Frame
c) Text box
d) Label
Question 123
STYLE = GRAPHICAL property is used
a) Command button
b) Text box
c) Combo box
d) Label
Question 124
Which function displays a pop-up window?
a) Msg box
b) Text box
c) Combo box
d) Label
Question 125
Which two controls combined to form the combo box control?
a) List box and text box
b) List box and input box
c) List box and msgbox
d) Label and text box
Question 126
All the following statements are true about variable scope except
a) Module
b) Global
c) Static
d) Local
Question 127
An exception is another name for a
a) Superficial error
b) Compile error
c) Runtime error
d) Logic error
Question 128
Which phase of project development typically costs the most?
a) Analysis
b) Design
c) Implementation
d) Maintenance
Question 129
Which function returns the highest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array
a) Size
b) Len
c) Unbound
d) Max
Question 130
_ is one of the common properties of the control.
a) Auto size
b) Value
c) Appearance
d) Max length
Question 131
__ is one of the main building blocks in a vb application
a) Form
b) Event
c) Procedure
d) Method
Question 132
_ function translates a numeric value to a variable
a) Message
b) Build in
c) Val
d) Mod
Question 133
property is used to display text when you keep your mouse cursor on that control
a) Enabled
b) Text
c) Tool tip text
d) Mouse move
Question 134
Which is not a common control event
a) Click
b) Single click
c) Double click
d) Mouse click
Question 135
……………………….. is a group of control that share the name and type.
a) Fixed array
b) Control array
c) Dynamic array
d) Multi dimensional array
Question 136
The property in visual basic is common for many a tools
A) Place
B) Window status
C) Location
D) Name
Question 137
………………… indicates whether a particular condition is on or off
a) Combo box
b) List box
c) Check box
d) None
Question 138
Compiler inter preter are
a) Application software
b) System software
c) Dbms
d) None
Question 139
Output of the following text1. Text +text2 . text if text if text 1 contains 20 and text2 contains 50
a) 70
b) 80
c) 2050
d) None
Question 140
Window state = maximize property apply for
a) SDI Form
b) MDI Form
c) Both Option 1 & Option 2
d) None
Question 141
Code in VB is stored in
a) Module
b) Variable
c) Report
d) None of above
Question 142
Timer control is hidden in __ mode
a) Design mode
b) Break mode
c) Run mode
d) None of above
Question 143
Wen can end a “for” statement with
a) End for
b) Next
c) Loop
d) None of above
Question 145
A control array is a list of controls with the
a) different names
b) same name
c) both 1 and 2
d) none of these
Question 146
Dim x y as integer what is x and y data type
a) x as variant and y as integer
b) x as integer and y as integer
c) x as integer and y as variant
d) none of these
Question 147
In order to add a new node into a tree view control we must use method
a) Add
b) Add item
c) Add node
d) none of these
Question 148
Timer intervals in visual basic 6.0
a) Millisec
b) Nanosec
c) Addnode
d) None of these
Question 149
Which property of menu cannot be set at run time
a) Name property
b) Caption property
c) Text property
d) None of these
Question 150
Extension of active designers
a) .dsr
b) .axd
c) .adx
d) None of These
Question 151
What is the purpose of the name function in all
A) So things can be sorted by type
B) So they can be called at runtime
C) The name function dose not exist
D) Not too sure
Question 152
Which property of drive list box returns \sets the selected drive at run time.
a) Get Drive
b) Drive
c) Is Drive
d) Of Drive
Question 153
How many times is the text expression of a select case evaluated
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) Once for each case
Question 154
Which statement about object is true
a) One object can create many classes
b) One object is used to create one class
c) One class is used to create one object
d) One class can create many object
Question 155
Which operation is evaluated
a) NOT
b) AND
c) XOR
d) OR
Question 156
One or more option button control can be selected from __ choices
a) Multiple
b) Single
c) Dual
d) Parallel
Question 157
Which text box method does not use the clipboard
a) Clear
b) Copy
c) Cut
d) Paste
Question 158
“stretch “ property is available for
a) Text box
b) Image control
c) Command button
d) Picture box
Question 159
The methodology where code is broken into small, logical procedures is called
a) Event –driven programming
b) Functional programming
c) Modular programming
d) Procedural programming
Question 160
Which part of a function procedure declaration statement is option?
A) Data type
B) Function
C) Parameters
D) Procedure name
Question 161
_ bar contains a set of tools to provide to controls in the form
a) Status
b) Tool
c) Menu
d) Progress
Question 162
……………………… are objects that are placed on form object
a) GUL
b) IDE
c) Controls
Question 163
What is the name of the bar where you would see a Categorized view or a Alphabetic view
A) Project
B) Properties window tool bar
C) Tool box window
D) Project explorer
Question 164
The application name always appears in the
a) Titlebar
b) Code window
c) Menubar
d) Properties window
Question 165
Which is not a main component of the visual studio IDE?
A) Solution explorer
B) Tool box
C) Start menu
D) Properties window
Question 166
In visual Basic , we work with object that have _
a) Programmer preference
b) Projects, solutions , and procedures
c) Classes, actions, and disciplines
d) Properties, methods, and events
Question 167
_ can be accessed from all types within the assembly ,but not from outside the assembly.
a) Public
b) Private
c) Friend
d) Protected
Question 168
The date data type dose not hold which type of information.
a) Seconds
b) Hours
c) Months
d) Quarters
Question 169
Which is not a type of select case test construct
a) Simple value
b) Combox value
c) Relational value with is
d) Range of values with to
Question 170
The tool provided with .net framework to register assemblies for use by COM is?
a) Regsvr32
b) Regasm
d) Regedit
Question 171
Which is not a valid control in data report?
a) Report lable
b) Report combo
c) Report lmage
d) Report text box
Question 172
__ is the property of a flexgrid to access the index of current
a) Index
b) New index
c) Row
d) Rowsel
Question 173
Whate is the extension of a data environment file.
a) Frm
b) Vbo
c) Dsr
d) Rpt
Question 174
Which one of the following is not one of the three main types of errors?
a) Syntax error
b) Declaration error
c) Run –time error
d) Logic error
Question 175
______ is the common event for almost all the controls.
a) Key press
b) Click
c) Timer
d) Scroll
Question 176
Do ………… loop is an iterative statement because it.
a) Selects a book of statements to run
b) Runs the black of statements repeatedly
c) Selects a block of statements and runs it repeatedly
d) Selects a block of statements and runs it a specified number of times
Question 177
Visual basic is (n)_
A) Procedural programming language
B) Object- oriented programming language
C) Hyperlink programming language
D) Sequential programming language
Question 178
Blink the cursor in specific text box then used
a) List
b) Val()
c) Caption
d) Setfocus
Question 179
Which property determines whether a control is displayed to the user?
a) Enabled
b) Hide
c) Visible
d) Show
Question 180
Which of the method is used to display the form as modal
a) Showdialog ()
b) Activate()
c) Loaddialog()
d) Show()
Question 181
Which data type containing value – TRUE * FALSE
A) String
B) Double
C) Boolean
D) Single
Question 182
Which of the following is not the member of system . collections
a) Bit array
b) Enum
c) Queue
d) Stack
Question 183
Which of the following is not one of the four major data Processing functions of a computer?
A) Gathering data
B) Processing data into information
C) Analyzing the data or information
D) Storing the data or information
Question 184
Which is not an optional element of a sub procedure declaration
a) Public
b) Private
c) Statements
d) Sub
Question 185
Classes from which namespace will have to be used to read or write to a file?
a) System . file objects
b) System. File objects
c) System. 10 objects
d) Input\output
Question 186
Which of the following control doesn’t receive the focus and dosen’t have a tablndex property?
a) Picture box
b) Labl control
c) List box
d) Tab control control
Question 187
box pro vides a set of choices to the user
a) List
b) Com mand
c) Combo
d) Text
Qption button gccan be grouped in a _ control.
a) Check box
b) Label
c) Frame
d) Text box
Question 189
The activated event is found only in which object
a) Form
b) Label
c) Button
d) Text box
Question 190
The cancel button property belongs to which object
a) Button
b) Form
c) Label
d) Textbox
Question 191
The scope of a variable refers to:
a) The length of the variable.
b) The name of the variable.
c) The accessibility of the variable.
Question 192
When a condition in an if …….. then statements tests true.
a) The next else statement is activated.
b) The next then statement is a activated
c) The next if statement is activated.
d) The end if statement is activated
Question 193
Pseudocode is
a) A description of an algorithm similar to a computer language
b) A programme that dose not work
c) Data that have been encoded for security
d) The incorrect result of a computer programme
Question 194
In the for …… next statement the default value for the step is
a) -1
b) 2
c) 1
d) There is no default for the step value
Question 195
Which of the following is not true for shared members?
a) Shared members belong to the type but not to any instance of a type
b) They can be accessed without creating an instance of the type
c) They can be accessed using the type name
d) Type are accessed using the type name
Question 196
Which is true about the name and text property of a control?
a) They are the same when the control is first created.
b) The text property changes to match any changes in the name property.
c) The name property changes to match any changes in the text property.
d) They are never the same unless the programmer makes it that way.
Question 197
_ control has no event text6 box
a) Shape
b) Command
c) Button
d) Timer
Question 198
The timer event is found only in which object
a) Label
b) Text box
c) List box
d) Timer
Question 199
A disabled menu item dose not appear in the __ bar
a) Menu
b) Standard
c) Status
d) Title
Question 196
Which is true about the name and text property of a TextBox?
a) They are the same when the control is first created.
b) The text property changes to match any changes in the name property.
c) The name property changes to match any changes in the text property.
d) They are never the same unless the programmer makes it that way.
Question 201
What is tool tip text
a) Tool tip text is a tip of the day
b) Tool tip text does not exist
c) Tool tip text is the same as the caption
d) Tool tip text is shown when the mouse is held over a object for a period 0f time
Question 202
Code window consists of a ___ box and procedure list box.
a) Object
b) Message.
c) Event
d) Tool
Question 203
The reference library of visual basic books is called:
a) MSDN Library
b) Help Library
c) Contents
d) Topic pane
Question 204
A variable declared inside an event procedure is said to have local scope
c) True or false
d) True and false
Question 205
Which of the following is a valid name for a variable?
a) Two- one
b) 2 one
c) Two one
d) Two. One
Question 206
In the statement, dim days (7) as string ,what part of the array does the number 7 refer to ?
a) Array name
b) Data type
c) Lower bound
d) Upper bound
Question 207
If you convert numeric to character expression then ysed
a) Str()
b) Instr()
c) Len()
d) Val()
Question 208
Which function find sub string in string
a) Str()
b) Instr()
c) Len()
d) Val()
Question 209
All the controls in an array will have the same__________
a) Address
b) Properties
c) Location
d) Value
Question 210
Default data type of a variable in VBis
a) String
b) Float
c) Integer
d) Variant
Question 211
Which language is not a true object-oriented programming language?
a) C++
b) VB 6
c) Java
Question 212
Which of these is not an valid message box in VB
a) vbOk only
b) vbExit only
c) vbAbort Retrylgnore
d) vbRetry cancel
Question 213
Which constant is used to vertically tile all non-minimized MDI child forms
A) vbArrangelcons
B) vbTileVertical
C) vbCascade
D) vbTile Horizontal
Question 214
What is the function of this button.
a) Run the project
b) View the form
c) Height of window
d) View the code
Question 215
Which property of textbox determines whether a control can be edited.
A) IsEdit
B) Locked
C) Enabled
D) Visible
Question 216
The default property for a text box control is………….
b) Password char
c) Multi line
Question 217
What is meaning of * . VBP
A) Volly ball practice
B) Visible –property
C) Visual basic project
D) Visual binary protocol
Question 218
Which of the following shows the correct order for creating a visual basic program?
a) Set the properties ,create the interface ,write the code
b) Create the interface, set the properties, write the code
c) Create the interface, write the code, set the properties
d) Write the code , set the properties, create the interface
Question 219
Loop concept is applied by
a) If – end if
b) For- next
c) With – end with
d) Yes-no
Question 220
Which is not a stand dared dialog box?
a) Color dialog
b) Font dialog
c) Open dialog
d) Zoom dialog