HomeMicrosoft Office Access MCQMicrosoft Office Access MCQ

Microsoft Office Access MCQ

Microsoft Office Access MCQ refers to a multiple-choice question that tests knowledge and concepts related to Microsoft Access, a database management system (DBMS) developed by Microsoft. Access is used for creating and managing databases, performing data analysis, and building simple to complex applications with a user-friendly graphical interface.

Microsoft Office Access MCQ is widely used for small to medium-scale database management applications, particularly for businesses that need a simple and flexible way to manage data.

Microsoft Office Access MCQ is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft. It is part of the Microsoft 365 suite and is primarily used for creating, managing, and analyzing data in a structured way. Access is a powerful tool for users who need to work with data in various formats, perform complex queries, and generate reports without the need for extensive programming knowledge.

Microsoft Office Access MCQ

Question 1
We can’t create index or primary key on more then ___________fields

a) 10
b) 16
c) None of the above
d) 1

Question 2
How many save as option in MS Access 2007?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

Question 3
What is the Maximum Length A Text Field Can Be?

a) 120
b) 255
c) 256
d) 75

Question 4
If a piece of data is stored in two places in the database, then a

a) Storage space is wasted
b) Changing the data is one spot will cause data inconsistency
c) It can be more easily accessed
d) Both 1 and 2

Question 5
The Size Of Yes No Field is Always

a) 1 Bit
b) 1 Byte
c) 1 Character
d) 1 Gb

Question 6
An enterprise solution with data storage, a client interface and a security system is a(n) _____system

a) 2-tier
b) 2-tier
c) 2-tier
d) 2-tier

Question 7
In MS-Access to Open a combo box

d) A9

Question 8
Which Field Type Can Store Photos?

a) Hyperlink
b) Ole
c) Both of These Can be Used
d) Access Tables Cant Store Photos

Question 9
Which of the following columns does not exist in Macro Design window?

a) Arguments
b) Comments
c) Conditions
d) Actions

Question 10
In MS Access “Hyperlink” data type can store

a) Web Address
b) Email Address
c) Path Of a File
d) All of Above

Question 11
The filter by selection feature allows you to filter

a) Those records that match an entity in a field
b) Records based on a criterion you specify
c) Records that meet any of several criteria you specify
d) All of Above

Question 12
To Create A New Table, In Which Method you Don’t Need To Specify the Field Type And Size?

a) Create Table By Entering Data
b) Create Table Using Wizard Create
c) Table IN Design View
d) All Of Above

Question 13
To Sort Records In A Table

a) Open Table, Click On The Field On Which The Sorting Is To Be Done, Then Click Sort Button
On Database Toolbar

b) Open Table, Click Sort Button On Database Toolbar, Choose Field Based
On Which To Sort, Click OK
c) Click The Field Heading To Sort It Ascending Or Descending
d) All Of Above

Question 14
Unlike text data type, this can store up to maximum of 65, 535 characters.

a) Memo
b) Data\time
c) Number
d) All of above

Question 15
What data type should yo choose for a zip code field in a table?

a) Text
b) Number
c) Memo
d) All of Above

Question 16
Which Of The Following Is A Method To Create A New Table In Ms Access?

a) Create Table In Design View
b) Create Table Using Wizard
c) Create Table By Entering Data
d) All Of Above

Question 17
A Database Language Concerned With The Definition Of The Whole Database Structure And Schema

a) DCL
b) DDL
c) DML
d) All Of Above

Question 18
Which of the following is not a type of relationship that can be applied in Access database

a) One to One
b) One to Many
c) All of above can be applied

Question 19
Which of the following is not a type of relationship that can be applied in Access database

a) One to One
b) One to One
c) Many to Many
d) All of above can be applied

Question 20
How can you display sales grouped by country, region, and salesperson,all at the same time?

a) Use the Pivot table command
b) Use the sort descending command
c) Use the find command on specified groups
d) All of the above

Question 21
Which action will optimize your database performance?

a) Set the record set type to Snapshot
b) Create a replica of the database
c) Use the compact and repair database tool
d) All of the above

Question 22
How do you Update Pivot Table report data after changes are made to the source data?

a) Save Your changes, close the workbook, and then report it.
b) Select the Pivot Table worksheet and press F9 on the keyboard
c) Click the report, and on the Pivot Table toolbar, click the refresh data button
d) All of the above

Question 23
If you are creating a cross tab query, what must table you are querying contain?

a) More then 200 records
b) More then 100 records
c) At least three field
d) All of the above

Question 24
In access, the best types of queries to use for data analysis are:

a) Action queries
b) Parameter queries
c) Select queries
d) All of the above

Question 25
What is the Propose to a sub datasheet?

a) To Provide a hierarchical view of related tables or queries in a single window1
b) EE To display grouped data in a report
c) To display summarized data.
d) All of the above

Question 26
Which action do you use in a macro to automatically send a report snapshot in an email message?

a) Use mail
b) Send object
c) Run Macro
d) All of the above

Question 27
Which of the following database object can you import from one Microsoft Access database to

a) Queries
b) Tables
c) Forms
d) All Of the above

Question 28
Which of the following is a database management tool developed by Microsoft?

a) Sybase
b) D base
c) Ms Access
d) All Of the above

Question 29
Which of the following is not a database application?

a) Flash
b) Ms Access
c) Fox Pro
d) All Of the above

Question 30
Which Of The Following statement Is True?

a) Foreign Key Fields Don\’t Allow Duplicate Values
b) In Primary Key Field You Can Enter Duplicate Values
c) In An Indexed Field You May Not Enter Duplicate Value Depending Upon Setting
d) All Statements Are True

Question 31
A query summarizes information in a grid, organized by reginons and months. Which type of query is

a) An update query
b) A parameter query
c) A cross tab query
d) An action query

Question 32
When Entering Field Name, How Many Characters You Can Type In Maximum?

a) 60
b) 64
c) 68
d) Any Number Of Character

Question 33
It is a query that when run displays its own dialog box prompting you for information, such as

a) Select
b) Cross tab
c) Parameter
d) Append

Question 34
It is used to calculate and restructure data for easier analysis of your data. It calculates the sum,

a) Parameter
b) Select
c) Cross tab
d) Append

Question 35
DCL Provides Commands To Perform Actions Like

a) None Of Above
b) Insert ,
c) Change The STRUCTURE Of Tables
d) Authorizing Access And Other Control Over Database

Question 36
Which of the following is not a valid data type in Ms Access

a) Memo
b) Picture
c) Currency
d) Auto number

Question 37
Which type of field is incremented automatically?

a) Auto Number
b) Auto Value
c) Auto Increment
d) Auto size

Question 38
Which of following criterion is NOT written using the proper syntax?

a) “Harris”
b) <500
d) Between #1/1/2000# and # 12/31/2000#

Question 39
In MS Access 2000,which of the following is not a From Style available in the Form Wizard dialog box

a) Highlight
b) Standard
c) Stone
d) Blends

Question 40
Once you enter data into a record, you connote go back and make changes to the data.

c) None
d) Both

Question 41
Which of the following type of queries are action queries?

a) Update queries
b) Cross tab Queries
c) Append Queries
d) Both 1 and 3

Question 42
Queries in Access can be used as

a) View , change and analyze data in different ways
b) A source of records for forms and reports
c) Only a
d) Both a and b

Question 43
If you need to edit a relationship

a) None of above
b) Double click the relationship line
c) Right click the relationship line and choose Edit Relationship
d) Both of above

Question 44
A Small Button With Three Dost Usually Displayed At The Right Of Field Properties Box

a) None Of Above
b) Expression Button
c) Make Button
d) Build Button

Question 45
How can a user open the Expression Builder dialog box?

a) By click the drop down arrow on the Control Source Property
b) By clicking the drop down arrow of the Input Mask Property in the Data tab
c) By clicking the Build button of the Input Mask in the Data tab
d) By clicking the Build button of the Control Source property in the Data tab

Question 46
Which Of the Following is not a Data Type in Access

a) Text
b) Memo
c) OLE Object
d) Caption

Question 47
To display value from a table for a text box control

a) Set the control source and record source from property panel
b) Set the record source and property of the from and then control source property of the
text box control

c) Look at the table and type value in the Caption
d) Choose the database , table, filed and select data value to display

Question 48
The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called

a) Summarizing
b) Reproducing
c) Sorting
d) Classifying

Question 49
To enter the Input Mask wizard

a) Click on the three dots to the right of the Caption entry field
b) Click on the three dots to the right of the Format entry field
c) Click on the Input Mask toolbar
d) Click on the three dost to the right of the Input Mask entry field

Question 50
The file extension for an Access 2003 data base is

a) EXC
b) BDM
c) MDB
d) COL

Question 51
A search value can be an exact value or it can be

a) Logical Operator
b) Relationship
c) Wild card character
d) Comparison operation

Question 52
To duplicate a controls formatting you can use

a) Manager
b) Wizard
c) Painter
d) Control

Question 53
This type of query summarizes large amounts of data in ease to read row and column format

a) Append
b) Rows
c) Select
d) Cross tab

Question 54
An organized collection of logically related data is known as

a) Database
b) Information
c) All Of the above
d) Data

Question 55
means that the data contained in a database is accurate and reliable

a) Data Definition
b) Data consistency
c) Data reliability
d) Data integrity

Question 56
A subset of character within a data fild is known as

a) Byte
b) File
c) Record
d) Data string

Question 57
A group of related records in database is known as a

a) None
b) File
c) Table
d) Database

Question 58
In Access 2007, to make changes in the Trust Center, you need to go to the_____

a) Microsoft Office button
b) Navigation Pane
c) Quick Access toolbar
d) Database Tools command tab

Question 59
What Are The Different Views To Display A Table

a) All of above
b) Design view
c) Pivot table and pivot Chart view
d) Datasheet

Question 60
The executive responsible for the data processing function in an organization is

a) PMD
b) Data – Processing Manager (DPM)
c) DP

Question 61
Which of the following is NOT a report section?

a) Report Header section
b) Page header section
c) Summary section
d) Details section

Question 62
Referential integrity means

a) Do not enter a value in the primary key field of child table if that value does not exist in the
primary key of the parent table
b) Do not enter a value in the foreign key field of a parent table if that value dose not exite in
the primary key of the child table
c) Do not enter a value in the foreign key field of a child Table if that value dose not exist in the
primary key of the parent table

d) All of above

Question 63
How can you display the related records form other tables in Datasheet view?

a) All of above
b) Apply Filter by command to display related records
c) Click on the expand indicator next to the record
d) Double click on the record to expand it

Question 64
To create relationship between two tables

A) Any of above can be done to create relationship
B) Drag any filed form parent table and drop on child table
C) Drag the primary key of a table into foreign key of another table
D) Drag the foreign key of a table into the primary key of another table

Question 65
Saving a database in Access is done

a) At the beginning of the database
b) The first time you save data
c) When closing the application
d) During auto save

Question 66
In table design view, which key can be used to switch between the field names and properties

a) F6
b) F4
c) F5
d) F3

Question 67
A_____ name must be unique within a database

a) Character
b) Record
c) Table
d) Field

Question 68
What Are The COLUMNS In A Microsoft Access Table Called?

a) Columns
b) Records
c) Rows
d) Fields

Question 69
Queries are based on this, allowing you to use a query as the source for forms and reports

a) Fields
b) Design
c) Tables
d) Filters

Question 70
This query wizard will create a select query

a) Query datasheet
b) Simple
c) Design View
d) Find Duplicates

Question 71
If you write criteria values vertically (one in a row) it will mean

a) AND conditions
b) OR conditions
c) NOT conditions
d) FOR Condition

Question 72
What is the memo data type filed used for?

a) To add table
b) To store objects created in other programs
c) For long text entries
d) For shout text entries of no more then 255 characters

Question 73
A_________ Enables you to view data form a table based on a specific

a) Query
b) Macro
c) Report
d) Form

Question 74
The result of a query is displayed in a

a) Record
b) Query datasheet
c) Query table
d) Form

Question 75
This is not one of the sections of the Form Design window

a) Form Caption
b) Form Detail
c) Form Header
d) Form Content

Question 76
In Access, this view is used to create and modify the structure of a form.

a) Control
b) Datasheet
c) Normal
d) Form design

Question 77
Which of the following database object hold data?

a) Tables
b) Report
c) Queries
d) Forms

Question 78
Which of the following is not a data base application?

a) Access
b) dBase e
c) dit
d) Fox pro

Question 79
We can remove a relationship defined between two tables by

a) Select the relationship line and press select
b) Choose Delete option form Relationship menu
c) From Edit menu choose Delete Relationship
d) All of above

Question 80
Data can be import into Access Database from

a) Word Files
b) Excel Files
c) Power Point Files
d) HTML files

Question 81
Which FILED Type Will You Select When Creating A New Table If You Require To Enter Long Text In

That Field?
a) Text
b) Memo
c) Currency
d) Hyperlink

Question 82
Which Of The Field Has Width 8 Bytes?

a) Memo
b) Number
c) Date\ Time
d) Hyperlink

Question 83
Where You can keep the sum ([Sales]) to calculate the totals for each month

a) In the report footer section
b) In the page footer section
c) In the month group footer section
d) In the Summery section

Question 84
What do you call a primary key field included in another table?

a) Foreign key
b) Parent Key
c) Child Key
d) Index

Question 85
Which of the following statements about option group is incorrect?

a) It is a control object.
b) It is bound to two fields
c) It is a control to identify a choice.
d) It contains a set of controls representing choices.

Question 86
What is a form in MS-Access

a) It is an input screen designed to make the viewing and entering data easier
b) This is an important part of database used by analysts to draw conclusions
c) It is a printed page where users will write their data to fill it up
d) All of above

Question 87
In a relational database, tables are logically linked to each other by a

a) Field
b) Field Properties
c) Field size
d) Key

Question 88
This Key Uniquely identifies Each Record

a) Field Name
b) Unique Key
c) Primary Key
d) Key Record

Question 89
Both conditions display on the same row in the design grid when___ operator is in use


Question 90
It Is An A association Between Entities

a) Relationship
b) Primary Key
c) Records
d) Line

Question 91
Which of the following creates a drop down list of values to choose from a list?

a) OLE Object
b) Hyperlink
c) Memo
d) Lookup Wizard

Question 92
Which Of The Following Is Not A Field Type In Access

a) Memo
b) Hyperlink
c) Ole Object
d) Lookup Wizard

Question 93
Which of the following is a database management system?

a) MS Word
b) MS Excel
c) Oracle
d) Lotus 1-2-3

Question 94
To print information form a table the __________tool is the best choice.

a) Form
b) Report
c) Query
d) Macro

Question 95
What do you mean by one to many relationship between Student and Class table?

a) One student can have many classes
b) One class may have many student
c) Many classes may have many students
d) Many students may have manu classes

Question 96
What type of relationship is created when you select a primary key in both related tables?

a) One –To- One
b) Indeterminate
c) One- To- Many
d) Many- To- Many

Question 97
A file containing relatively permanent data is

a) Sequential file
b) Transaction file
c) Random file
d) Master file

Question 98
How can you display Pivot Table report summary data in a currency format?

a) Type in the currency symbol
b) Modify the field Settings
c) None of the above
d) Modify the filed settings

Question 99
The____ button on the tool box display data form a related table

a) Sub form sub report
b) Relationships
c) Select objects
d) More controls

Question 100
Following Is Not A Database Model

a) None
b) Relational Database Model
c) Object Oriented Database Model
d) Network Database Model

Question 101
Microsoft Access Is A

D) Network Database Model

Question 102
Can set controls border type to make the border invisible.

a) Transparent
b) Invisible
c) Do not display
d) No border

Question 103
How do you filter by selection?

a) Right click the field value and select filter by selection form the shortcut menu
b) Find and double click the value on which you want to base the filter
c) Find and select the value on which you want to base the filter and select tools> filter by
selection form the menu
d) None

Question 104
In an Access table data is saved automatically as soon as you leave the record or cilose the table

c) Both
d) None

Question 105
The checking operation performed on input data is called the

a) Verification of Data
b) Cross Check
c) Validation of Data
d) None

Question 106
What is the corresponding text for the <#1/1/95# Validation rule setting?

a) Enter a date which is less then 1/1/1915
b) Enter a date before 1995
c) Enter data before 95
d) None

Question 107
Which of the following best describes the Grouped Report?

a) A part of report that can be generated by the report wizard
b) A report that displays data that has been sorted in ascending or descending order
c) A report that displays data grouped by field you specify
d) None of a the above

Question 108
What type of control in a form can display data from database table?

a) Round Control
b) Unbound Control
c) Bound Control
d) None of above

Question 109
Cascade delete option

a) Is used to delete all the records of all tables in a database
b) Will report delete operation to all the records of current table
c) Is available in Edit relationship dialog box which makes sure that all the rewated recorde will
be deleted automatically whn the record from parent table is deleted
c) None of above

Question 110
Cascade update option

a) Means change all the related records in child tables if the record in parent table is changed
b) Means do not change the value in the primary key field if that record has related records in
another table
c) Both of above
d) None of above

Question 111
If you write criteria values vertically (one in a row) it will mean
a) OR conditions
b) And Condition
c) Not Condition
d) None of Above

Question 112
In Table Design View What Are The First Column Of Buttons Used For
a) Indicate Primary Key
b) Indicate Current Row
c) Both Of Above
d) None Of Above

Question 113
The Default And maximum size of text field in access
a) 50 And 255 Characters
b) 8 And 1 Gd
c) 266 characters & 64000 characters
d) None Of Above

Question 114
What dose the “show” check box in query desing window indicate
a) It indicates whether the fild is to be displayed in query result or not
b) It indicates the filed is to be used or not
c) It indicates whether the field names to be displayed in query result or not
d) None of above

Question 115
When creation a new table which method can be used to choose fields form standard database and

a) Create table in design view
b) Create table using wizard
c) Create table by entering data
d) None of above

Question 116
Which program do you use to edit code for data access pages?
a) Microsoft script editor
b) Microsoft code editor
c) Microsoft data access pages editor
d) None of above

Question 117
The database language that allows you to access or maintain data in a database
a) DCL
b) DML
c) DDL
d) None of above

Question 118
Which of the following query type is best suitrable to analyze data?
a) Cross tab Queries
b) Parameter Queries
c) Action Queries
d) None Of above

Question 119
A form defines
a) Customized user interface for table
b) Where data can be read form only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) None Of the above

Question 120
IF ([Age]>65, “Senior”, “Adult”). This expression is an example of
a) A financial expression
b) Algebraic expression
c) A conditional expression
d) None of the above

Question 121
It a database object to view, change, and analyze data in different ways
a) Query
b) Form
c) Report
d) None of the above

Question 122
It is a sign or symbol that specifies, operation, and values that produce a result
a) Operator
b) Query
c) Expression
d) None of the above

Question 123
The horizontal fragmentation of a table is known as
a) Attribute
b) Fields
c) Record
d) None of the above

Question 124
This data type allows alphanumeric characters and special aymbols
a) Text
b) Memo
c) Auto number
d) None of the above

Question 125
What is the extension of Microsoft Office Access 2007?
a) MDB
c) DB
d) None of the above

Question 126
What is the purpose of the description column in table design view?
A) To define the data type applied to each field within the table
B) To describe the data that should be entered in each field
C) To enter lookup data that the field should refer to
D) None of the above

Question 127
What method can you use to add a new table to your database?
a) Use design view to create a table
b) Enter data directly by using a datasheet
c) Both of the above
d) None of the above

Question 128
Which control dose access use to link data access page components to access data?
a) Microsoft Dynamic Data Control
b) Microsoft Data Connection Control
c) Microsoft Office Data SOURCE Control
d) None of the above

Question 129
You can ‘t import data into Access database from
a) dBase lll database files
b) Excel Spreadsheets
c) Comma Delimited Text
d) None of the above

Question 130
In a relational database ,a Referential Integrity constraint is specified with the help of
a) Foreign Key
b) Primary Key
c) Both 1 and 2
d) None of these

Question 131
An association of several entities in a Entity- Relation model is called
a) Record
b) Relationship
c) Field
d) None of these

Question 132
In MS-Access press CTRL+ o to
A) Open a new database
B) Open an existing database
C) Exit MS- Access
D) None of these

Question 133
In MS-Access to open an existing database press
a) CTRL + N
b) CTRL + O
c) ALT + F4
d) None of these

Question 134
Default data type of a field is
a) Auto Number
b) Memo
c) Text
d) Number

Question 135
Which the following is not a data type
a) Picture/ graphic
B) Data /time
c) Text
d) Number

Question 136
What field type is used to store picture in a table

a) Hyperlink
b) Memo
c) Query
d) OLE

Question 137
When a picture or other graphic image is placed in the report hearder section it will appear
a) Once in the beginning of the report
b) At the top of every page
c) Every after record break
d) On the 1st and last pages of the report

Question 138
How can you add a table to the relationship window?
a) Select Edit>Add table from the menu
b) Select the table from the table list on the toobar
c) Select Tool> Add table from the menu
d) On the Desing tab, in the Relationships group ,click show Table

Question 139
To set password for the database, select____________ in the Microsoft Access open window.
a) Open Exclusive
b) Open Explicit
c) Open Read Only
d) Open Write Only

Question 140
What is the difference between ‘open ‘and ‘open Exclusiver’?
a) Open Exclusive looks whole database so that no on e can access it whereas Open looks only
the record that is being accessed
b) Both Open and open Exclusively are same
c) Open Exclusive command dose not exist in MS- Access
d) Open statement opens access database files and open exclusively opens database files of
other program like Oracle

Question 141
The________ operator will cause a record to be selected only if two or more conditions are satisfied
a) And
b) If or
c) Range
d) Or

Question 142
You can move between field in a form by using any of these Keys
a) Tab
b) Enter
c) Shift+Tab
d) Page Up

Question 143
A computer language for informing the DBMS regarding the data structure used is
a) DDL

Question 144
The expression builder is an access tool that control an expression _ for entering an
a) Table
b) Box
c) Cell
d) Palette

Question 145
The two form layout types will display multiple record at one time are tabular and
a) Columnar
b) Justified
c) Data sheet
d) Pivot table

Question 146
In a relational database, a Referential Integrity constraint is specified with the help of
a) Foreign key
b) Both 1and2
c) None of these
d) Primary Key

Question 147
Which of the following database object is created first before any other created?
a) Table
b) Form
c) Report
d) Query

Question 148
Changing the order of this in the query datasheet not affect the field order in the table.
a) Sort
b) Row
c) Column
d) Record

Question 149
It Is An Association Established Between Common
a) Line
b) Relationship
c) Primary Key
d) Record

Question 150
__ enables you to view data from a table based on a specific criteria
a) Form
b) Query
c) Macro
d) Report

Question 151
Which of the following is not a section in report window?
a) Report header section
b) Page header section
c) Summary section
d) Report footer section

Question 152
Which Of The Following Is Not A Database Object?
a) Tables
b) Queries
c) Relationships
d) Reports

Question 153
The complete picture of data stored in database is known as
A) Row
C) Records
D) Schema

Question 154
What is fast way to adjust the width of a column?
a) Right click the left side of the column heading
b) Double click the left side of the column heading
c) Double click the right side of the column heading
d) Select tool> adjust column width from the menu

Question 155
How can you view the properties of a form
a) Right click anywhere on the form and select properties from the shortcut menu
b) Double click the form selector box in the upper left corner of the form
c) Select View> Form properties form the menu
d) All the Above

Question 156
What is the step in creating a form or report with the form wizard or report wizard
a) Selecting the fields that you want to appear in the form or report
b) Selecting the underlying table or query on which you want to base the form or report
c) Reading several screens of mostly useless information and clicking next
d) Selecting how the form or report should be formatted

Question 157
Query design window has two part. The upper part shows
a) Name of filed , field type and size
b) Tables with field and relationships between tables
c) Criteria
d) Sorting check boxes

Question 158
According to Access Help, What a good way to design a database
a) Sketch the design of your database using a pencil and paper
b) Use the table analyzer to reveres engineer your flat source data.
c) None of above
d) Start form data access pages and work backward

Question 159
Data items groped together for storage purposes are called a
a) Record
b) Title
c) List
d) String

Question 160
What Is the full form of SQL?
A) Sophisticated Question List
B) E Structured Question List
C) Small Query Length
D) Structured Query Language

Question 161
The Command Center of access file that appears when you create or open the ms assess database
a) Database window
b) Query window
c) Design view window
d) Switchboard

Question 162
In a datasheet what dose each row represent?
a) Record
b) Field
c) Database
d) Table

Question 163
Which of the following database object produces the final result to present?
a) Forms
b) Report
c) Queries
d) Tables

Question 164
Which of the following is NOT a type of Microsoft access database object?
a) Queries
b) Workbooks
c) Forms
d) Tables

Question 165
Which of the following store command to retrieve data from database?
a) Forms
b) Report
c) Queries
d) Table

Question 166
Which of the following data types automatically generates a consecutive number
a) Auto number
b) Number
c) Memo
d) Text

Question 167
Which property determines what is displayed in a control?
a) The control source property
b) The display property
c) The comes from property
d) The data property

Question 168
Which of the following is not a selection technique
a) To select a word double click the word
b) To select an enter table click the empty box to the left of the of the field names
c) To select a row click the record selector box to the left of the row
d) To select a column double click Any where in the column

Question 169
In a database table the category of information is called_________________
a) Field
b) Record
c) All of above
d) Tuple

Question 170
A table may control only _ primary key
a) Any number
b) Three
c) One
d) Two

Question 171
A) Bound
B) Rebound
C) Calculated
D) Unbound

Question 172
The purpose of the primary key in a database is to
a) Provide a map of the data
b) Unlock the database
c) Establish constraints on database operations
d) Uniquely identify a record

Question 173
A value that is automatically entered in a field for a new record
a) Default value
b) Input mask
c) None of above
d) Validation rule

Question 174
Which of the following is not a type of Microsoft access database object?
a) Modules
b) Form
c) Table
d) Work sheets

Question 175
To achieve and effect when you are entering criteria in a query design window
a) Write criteria values vertically one in a row
b) Write criteria value horizontally
c) Write criteria values in same field separated with and
d) Write criteria values in same field separated with&

Question 176
Which of the following is the file extension for an extensible markup language?
a) EML
c) XML
d) XSD

Question 178
A) Date/Time
B) Double
C) Attachment
D) Yes/ no

Question 179
To create queries in access
a) All of above
b) You can type the SQL command in SQL view
c) You can use query wizard or design view
d) You can drag and drop fields on query builders

Question 180
How do you insert a graphic of your company s logo on a report
a) Select tools> insert picture form the menu
b) Database tools-> logo
c) Design tab -> logo
d) You can t ms access wont let you insert graphic file

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