Question 1
How many types of Pie chart view in Excel?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 2
d) 1
Question 2
How many type of filter are there in Excel?
a) 4
b) 2
c) 1
d) 5
Question 3
How many sheets are there in Excel Workbook by default?
a) 4
b) 3
c) 6
d) 7
Question 4
By default column width of Excel
a) 9.43
b) 8.43
c) 5.34
d) 7.34
Question 5
Excel files have a default extension of
a) XIs
b) Xiw
c) Wk1
d) 123
Question 6
The number of cols in a worksheet is
a) 365000
b) 16384
c) 256
d) 64536
Question 7
How many characters can be typed in a single cell in Excel?
a) 1024
b) 32,000
c) 256
d) 65,535
Question 8
In microsoft office 2007 version, an Excel sheet contain __ no of rows
a) 65565
b) 255
c) Undetermind
d) 1048576
Question 9
By Formatting a cell in Currency format, you can specify?
a) Currency Symbol
b) Decimal Places
c) Both 1 and 2 Options
d) None of above
Question 10
In order to tell excel thet we are entiring a formula in a cell we must being whit an operator such as
a) $
b) @
c) =
d) #
Question 11
Which function will you use to enter current time in a worksheet cell?
a) =today()
b) =now()
c) =time()
d) =current Time()
Question 12
The cell reference for a range of cells that starts in cell B1 and goes over to coulmn G and down to row 10 is…..
a) G1-G10
b) B1.G10
c) B1;G10
d) B1:G10
Question 13
You can open the Sort dialog box by choosing Sort from the ……. Menu
a) View
b) Format
c) Tools
d) Data
Question 14
Which of the following is not true regarding Conditional Formatting?
a) You can add more then one condition to check
b) You can set condition to look for Bold and apply Italics on them.
c) You can apply Font, border and pattern formats that meets the specified conditions
d) You can delete any condition from Conditional Formatting diglog box if it is not requried
Question 15
What is the symbol for dividing?
a) A./
b) %
c) &
d) #
Question 16
How to specify cell range from A9 to A99 in Excel?
a) (A9,A99)
b) (A9 to A99)
c) (A9:A99)
d) (A9 D A99)
Question 17
What is the sysmbol for multiplying?
a) >
b) /
c) !
d) *
Question 18
What function is used to make sure that all conditions are true before showing a TRUE answer?
a) : =AND()
b) : =OR()
c) : =Vlookup()
d) : =If()
Question 19
What function offers you the possibility to view different results depending on the entered condition?
a) : = If()
b) : =Sum()
c) : =SumIf()
d) : =TrueFalse()
Question 20
Which symbol must all formula begin with?
a) =
b) +
c) (
d) @
Question 21
Which symbol, when clicked, displays the details in an outline?
a) +
b) –
c) *
d) ~
Question 22
Which of the following formulas will Excel Not be able to calculate?
a) “=SUM(Sales)-A3”
b) “=SUM(A1:A5)*.5”
c) “=SUM(A1:A5)/(10-10)”
d) “=SUM(A1:A5)-10”
Question 23
Two common wildcard characters that Excel recognizes are
a) and?
b) E
c) ^ and /
d) +and –
Question 24
Whit which of the following all formulas in excel startc?
a) /
b) *
c) $
d) =
Question 25
Which of the following is correct?
a) =POWER(2^3)
b) 8
c) =POWER(2#3)
d) =POWER(2*3)
Question 26
Which of the following formulas is not entered correctly?
a) 60
b) #VALUE!
c) #VALUE!
d) 10+50
Question 27
Selecting the Rows 5 &6 then choose Insert-> Row. What will happen?
a) 2 Rows will be inserted after Row 4
b) 2 Rows will be inserted after Row 5
c) 2 Rows will be inserted after Row 6
d) 2 Row will be inserted after Row 7
Question 28
The auto calculate feature
a) Can only add values in a range of cells
b) Provides a quick way to view the result of an arithmetic operation on range of cells
c) Automatically creates formulas and adds them to a worksheet
d) A and C
Question 29
Using the F11 shortcut key to create a chart sheey creates
a) A default chart
b) A 2-dimensional column chart
c) A2-dimensional bar chart
d) A3-dimensionalE line chart
Question 30
You can create only a horizontal page break by first selecting
a) A row below the row where you want the page break to occure
b) A cell in row 1
c) A cell in column A
d) A and C
Question 31
The chart wizard term data series refers to
a) A chart legend
b) A collection of chart data markers
c) A set of values you plot in a chart
d) A data lable
Question 32
When you see a cell with a red triangle in the top right corner, what does this signify?
a) There is an error in the cell
b) There is a comment associated with the cell
c) The font color for text in the cell is red
d) A formula cannot be entered into the cell
Question 33
Which of the following statements about a path is incorrect?
a) A path is an identifier
b) A path specifies the file location on the drive
c) A path precedes the filename
d) A path hides the drive letter
Question 34
A Worksheet Range is a
a) A Group of Worksheets
b) Command used for Data Modeling
c) A Group of Cells
d) A Range of Values such as from 23 to 234
Question 35
You can print only an embedded chart by
a) Moving the chart to a chart sheet before you print
b) Formatting the chart before you print
c) Selecting the chart before you print
d) A and C
Question 36
a) May be turned off for display but turned on for printing
b) May be truned on or off for printing
c) The be turnd off for display and printing
d) A,B and C
Question 37
When you print preview a worksheet
a) The entire worksheet is displayed
b) The selected range is displayed
c) The active portion of the worksheet is displayed
d) A,B and C
Question 38
In a worksheet you can select
a) The entire worksheet
b) Rows
c) Columns
d) A,B, and C
Question 39
Which of the following is an absolute cell reference?
a) !A!1
b) $A$1
c) #A#1
d) A1
Question 40
Give me an exanple of a cell address
a) 1125
b) 911
c) 41A
d) A21
Question 41
When a leble is too long to fit within a worksheet cell, you typically must
a) shorten the label
b) increase the column widht
c) decrease the column widht
d) adjust the row height
Question 42
You can create hyperlinks from the Excel workbook to
a) A webpage on company internet
b) A web page on the internet
c) Other Office 97 application documents
d) All
Question 43
Where can you set the shedding color for a range of cells in Excel?
a) Choose required color from Patterns tab of Format Cells dialog box
b) Choose required color on Fill Color tool in Fromatting toolbar
c) Choose required color on Fill Color tool in Drawing toolbar
d) All of 1,2 and 3 options
Question 44
Which Chart can be created in Excel?
a) Area
b) Line
c) Pie
d) All of 1,2 and 3 options
Question 45
Which elements of a worksheet can be protected from accidental modification?
a) Contents
b) Object
c) Scenarios
d) All of 1,2 and 3 options
Question 46
Which of the following format you can decide to apply or not in Auto Format dialog box?
a) Number format
b) Border fonmat
c) Font fonmat
d) All of 1,2 and 3 options
Question 47
When working in the page break preview, you can
a) View exactly where each page break occurs
b) Add or remove page breaks
c) Change the print area
d) All of above
Question 48
How do you change column width to fit the contents?
a) Single-click the boundary to the left to the column heading
b) Double click the boundery to the right of the column heading
c) Press alt and single click anywhere in the column
d) All of above
Question 49
How should you print a selected area of a worksheet, if you’ll want to print a different area next time?
a) On the file menu, point to print area, and then click set print area
b) On the file menu, click print, and then click selection under print what
c) On the view menu, click custom views, than click add
d) All of above
Question 50
What dose SUMIF function do?
a) Adds up cell values based on a condition
b) Adds all the numbers in a range of cells
c) Returns a subtotal in a list or database
d) All of above
Question 51
What dose the VLOOKUP function do?
a) Looks up taxt that contain ‘v’
b) Checks whether text is the same in one cell as in the next
c) Finds related records
d) All of above
Question 52
When the formula bar is activated youb can see
a) The edit formula button
b) The cancel button
c) The enter button
d) All of above
Question 53
When you work with lagre workseets you may need to
a) Size the worsheet to fit on the specific number of pages
b) Add and remove page breaks
c) Specify only certain print areas
d) All of above
Question 54
Which function calculates your monthly mortgage payment?
a) PMT (payments)
b) NPER (number of periods)
c) PV (present value)
d) All of abovt
Question 55
You can activate a cell by
a) Pressing the Tab key
b) Clicking the cell
c) Pressing an arrow key
d) All of above
Question 56
What is entered by the function =today()
a) The date value for the deay according to system clock
b) The time value according to system clock
c) Today’s date as Text format
d) All of above
Question 57
When all the numbers between 0 and 100 in a range should be displayed in Red Color, apply
a) Use =if() function to format the required numbers red
b) Apply Conditional Formatting command on Format
c) Select the cells that contain number between 0 and 100 then click Red color on Text Color tool
d) All of above
Question 58
You can automatically abjust the size of text in a cell if they do not fit in widht by
a) Double clicking on the right border of column header
b) From Format choose Columns and then Autofit Selection
c) From Format Cells dialog box mark shrink to fit check box
d) All of above
Question 59
Extension of Excel 2007 file
a) .exl
b) .xlsx
c) .xls
d) All of the above
Question 60
Got functions? No? You need the insert funceion dialog box. How do youget it?
a) Right click a cell and then click insert
b) Click the insert menu and then click function
c) Type = in a cell
d) All of the above
Question 61
You can copy data or formulas
a) With the copy , paste and cut commands on the edit menu
b) With commands on a shortcut menu
c) With buttons on the standard toolbar
d) All of the above
Question 62
You can print
a) A range of cells by range name
b) An entire worksheet
c) A single worsheet
d) All of the above
Question 63
In Excel may not contain in Formula
a) Text Constant
b) Number Constant
c) Circular Reference
d) All of them
Question 64
A quick way to return to a specific area of a worksheet is to type in the
a) Zoom Box
b) Formula
c) Name box
d) All of these
Question 65
How to fit long texts in a single cell with multiple lines?
a) Start typing in the cell and press the Enter key to start aother line
b) Use the Wrap Text option From Home-> Alignment Group
c) Use the Shrink to Fit option in the Format-> Cells -> Alignment menu
d) All The Above
Question 66
Tab scrolling button
a) Allow you to view a different worksheet
b) Allow you to view additional worksheet rows down
c) Allow you to view additional worksheet columns to the right
d) Allow you to view additional sheets tabs
Question 67
What key is used to select multiple ranges of cells?
a) Shift
b) Ctrl
c) Alt
d) AltCar or AltGr
Question 68
A circular reference is
a) Geometric modeling tool
b) A cell that points to a drawing object
c) A formula that either directly or indirectly depends on itself
d) Always erroneous
Question 69
A numeric value can be treated as a lable value if it precedes if it precedes with
a) Apostrophe (&Isquo)
b) Exclamation (!)
c) Hash (#)
d) Ampersand (&)
Question 70
When you ara typing an equation into a cell the first thing that must be entered is
a) The first cell referenced
b) Parenthesis
c) Quotation marks
d) An equal sign
Question 71
The name box
a) Shows the location of the previously active cell
b) Appears to the left of the formula bar
c) Appears below the status bar
d) Appears below the menu bar
Question 72
Worksheet can be renamed by
a) Click on Worksheet tab by Holding CTRL key and type new name
b) Double Click on the Worksheet tab and type new name
c) Worksheet cannot renamed
d) At The Time Of Save
Question 73
Which of following is Not one of Excel’s what-if function?
a) Goal seek
b) Data Table
c) Scenario manager
d) Auto Outline
Question 74
Which types of charts can excel produce?
a) Line graphs and pie charts only
b) Only line graphs
c) Bar charts, line graphs and pie charts
d) Bar charts and line graphs only
Question 75
When integrating word and excel, word is usually the
a) Server
b) Destination
c) Client
d) Both b and c
Question 76
To keep specific rows and columns from scrolling off the screen you first must position the cell pointer
a) To the right of the coulmn you want to remain on the screen
b) Below the row you want to remain on the acreen
c) On the row you want to remain on the screen
d) Both below and right of the row and column you want to remain on the screen
Question 77
Filter option is display
a) Formula Tab
b) Data Tab
c) Home Tab
d) View Tab
Question 78
If you copy the formula =$B38 into another call, the result will be:
a) The column pert will remain the same
b) The row part will remain the same
c) Both the column and row will remain the same
d) Both will change
Question 79
How do you tell one cell from another?
a) By numbers
b) By letters
c) By its address
d) By color
Question 80
In a report, you need to show the monthly rainfall in Nepal. The best way to do this is insert a
a) Chart showing rainfall amounts
b) Database of rainfall
c) Photograph of rainfall
d) Calendar
Question 81
Excel uniquely indentifies cells within a worksheet whit a cell name
a) Column numbers and row letters
b) Cell locator coordinates
c) Column letters and row numbers
d) Cell names
Question 82
Which among following is not associated with spelling dialogue box?
a) Edit
b) Ignore
c) Ignore All
d) Change
Question 83
What is the extension part of excel file name
a) .xlsx
b) .docx
c) .html
d) .txt
Question 84
What of the following is not information you can specify using thesolver?
a) Input cells
b) Constraints
c) Target cell
d) Changing cells
Question 85
Each excel file is a workbook that contains different sheets. Which of the following can not be a sheet in workbook?
a) Data sheet
b) Work sheet
c) Module sheet
d) Chart sheet
Question 86
If you need a text to show vertically in a cell. How will you achieve this?
a) Choose Vertical on alignment in Format Cells dialog box
b) Choose 90 Degrees in Orientation of Format Cells dialog box
c) Choose distributed from the Vertical drop down list of Format Cells dialog box
d) Choose Center Across Selection from Horizontal combo box in Format Cells dialog box
Question 87
Which of the following is not a worksheet design criterion?
a) Effciency
b) Aditility
c) Description
d) Clarity
Question 88
You can select a single range of cells by
a) Pressing the Ctrl key while dragging over the desired cells
b) C. Pressing the Shift key and an arrow key
c) D. Dragging over the desired cells
Question 89
To view a cell comment
a) Click the edit comment command on the insert menu
b) Click the display comment command on the window menu
c) Position the mouse pointer over the cell
d) Click the comment command on the view menu
Question 90
A collection of related file is callsd
a) Field
b) Database
c) Record
d) None of these
Question 91
Which of the following is not the correct method of editing the cell content?
a) Press the Alt key
b) Double click the cell
c) Press the F2 key
d) Click the formula bar
Question 92
When you want to insert a blank imbedded excel object in a word document you can
a) Click the object command on the insert menu
b) Click the office links button on the standard toolbar
c) Click the create worksheet button on the formatting toolbar
d) Click the import excel command on the file menu
Question 93
Which of the following methods cannot be used to enter data in a cell
a) Pressing an arrow key
b) Pressing the Tab key
c) Pressing the Esc key
d) Click on the formula bar
Question 94
Macros is used to
a) Store the text
b) Create the text
c) Break the page
d) All of the above
Question 95
If you want all of the white cats grouped in the database, you need to sort by________
a) Color, then Gender
b) Pet Type, then Color
c) Pet type, then Gender
d) Color,then pet Name
Question 96
Whih option is used to change any cell formatting based on different condition?
a) Cell styles
b) Back color
c) Fill color
d) Conditional Formatting
Question 97
PROPER Function is used for
a) Converts a sentence in small letter
b) Converts a sentence in capital
c) Capitalize each word
d) Converts a sentence in capital
Question 98
Formula paletter is used to?
a) Format cells containing numbers
b) Create and edit formulas containing functions
c) Entered assumptions data
d) Cupy all cells
Question 99
Which of the following is not a basic step in creating a worksheet?
a) Save workbook
b) Modifiy the worksheet
c) Enter text and data
d) Copy the worksheet
Question 100
Which is not an advantage of using computerized spreadsheets?
a) E flexibility of moving entries
b) Speed of calculation
c) Ability of generate tables
d) Cost of initial setup
Question 101
What is the shortcut key to insert current date in a cell?
c) CTRL+;
d) CTRL+/
Question 102
What is the shortcut key to hide entire row?
c) CTRL+9
Question 103
What is the combinaison of keys requird to come back to the op of the worksheet?
a) PageUp (PgUp)
b) Alt and PageUp
c) Ctrl and Home
d) Ctrl and left arrow
Question 104
To drag a selected range of data to another worksheet in the same workbook, use the
a) Tab key
b) Alt key
c) Shift key
d) Ctrl key
Question 105
What is the short cut key to replane a data with another in sheet?
a) Ctrl+R
b) Ctrl+Shift+R
c) Ctrl+H
d) Ctrl+F
Question 106
To move to the previous worksheet press
a) Shift+Tab
b) Ctrl+Pgdown
c) Ctrl+Pgup
d) Ctrl+Tab
Question 107
Pivot table comes in __ tab
a) Home
b) Page Layout
c) Insert
d) Data
Question 108
You can use the format painter multiple time before you turn it off by
a) You can use the format painter button only one time when you click it
b) Double clicking the format painter button
c) Pressing the Ctrl key and clicking the format painter button d.
d) Pressing the Alt key and clicking the format painter button
Question 109
Macros are “run” or executed from the ….. Menu.
a) Insert
b) Format
c) Tools
d) Data
Question 110
The ‘subtotal’ option is under
a) Home
b) Reference
c) Layout
d) Data
Question 111
To protect a worksheet, you can choose Protection and the Protect sheet from the_________ tab
a) Home
b) Formula
c) Review
d) Data
Question 112
V loop operation present in
a) MS word
b) Excel
c) MS Power point
d) None of these
Question 113
You can open the consolidate dialog box by choosing Consolidate from the ……. Menu.
a) Insert
b) Data
c) Format
d) Tools
Question 114
Which tool is used to show the related value on a chert?
a) Legend
b) Data Labels
c) Chart Title
d) Data Table
Question 115
To prevent invalid data entry in a cell, we use
Question 116
How do you rearrange the data in ascending or descending oder?
a) Data>> Sort
b) Data >>Subtotals
c) Data, From
d) Data>> Table
Question 117
If 4/6 entered in a cell without applying any formats, Excel will treat this as
a) Fraction
b) Number
c) Text
d) Date
Question 118
Which of the following is not a valid data type in excel
a) Number
b) Character
c) Lable
d) Date/time
Question 119
Microsoft Excel is a powerful………………
a) Word processing package
b) Spreadsheet package
c) Communication S/W Package
d) DBMS package
Question 120
Formatting a cell in Number format you can,t set
a) Use 1000 separator
b) Currency Symbol
c) Negative numbers
d) Decimal Places
Question 121
A constant is another name for this type of data:
a) Number
b) Equation
c) Formula
d) Description
Question 122
What term describes explanatory text attached to a cell?
a) Context
b) Callout
c) Comment
d) Dialog
Question 123
MONTH Function is used to
a) Pick up the month from a date
b) Create a date
c) Pick up the minute from a date
d) Display current month
Question 124
To return the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor in EXCEL we use the function?
a) ROUND()
b) FACT()
c) MOD()
d) DIV()
Question 125
Paste Special allows some operation while you paste to new cell.Which of the following operation is valid?
a) Spuare
b) Percentage
c) Goal seek
d) Divide
Question 126
To show/hide the grid line in Microsoft Excel 2007
a) Page Layout -> Grid lines -> View
b) Insert -> Grid lines-> View
c) View -> Gide lines -> View
d) Edit -> Gide lines -> View
Question 127
When you insert an Excel file into a word document, the data are
a) Hyperlinked
b) Placed in a word table
c) Linked
d) Embedded
Question 128
To select multiple non-abjecent cell ina worksheet you will click them holding
a) CTRL key
Question 129
Red triangle at the top right corner of a cell indicates
a) Comment
b) Syntex
c) Text in cell is red
d) Error entry
Question 130
To copy cell contents using drag and drop press the
a) End key
b) Shift key
c) Ctrl key
d) Esc key
Question 131
When you copy a formula
a) Excel erases the original copy of the formual
b) Excel edits cell references in the newly copied formula
c) Excel abjusts sbsolute cell references
d) Excel doesn’t abjust relative cell references
Question 132
Which of the following is the latest version of Excel
a) Excel 2000
b) Excel 2002
c) Excel ME
d) Excel XP
Question 133
What is the keyboard shortcut for creating a chert from the selected cell range?
a) F2
b) F4
c) F8
d) F11
Question 134
If we want to fix a cell address, one should press
a) F5
b) F6
c) F4
d) F3
Question 135
What key should be used to change the content of a cell?
a) F1
b) F2
c) F3
d) F4
Question 136
Which keyboard shortcut opens the Go To dialog box?
a) Ctrl + B
b) Ctrl+ Shift+B
c) F2
d) F5
Question 137
Comments can be added to cells using
a) View > Comments
b) Review > Comments
c) Edit > Comments
d) File > comments
Question 138
MAX Function is used for
a) Find the maximum value from a number series
b) Find the minimum value from a number series
c) Add numbers
d) For calculate average
Question 139
To name a constant, you use the dialog box
a) Create names
b) Define names
c) Paste names
d) Format cells
Question 140
To open an existing workbook, click the open button on the toolbar?
a) From
b) Standard
c) Drawing
d) Formatting
Question 141
Status indicators are located on the
a) Vertical scroll bar
b) Horizontal scroll bar
c) Formula bar
d) Formatting toolbar
Question 142
Excel probably considers the cell entry January 1,2000 to be a
a) Text sering
b) Value
c) Lable
d) Formula
Question 143
Rotate text to vertical orentation, we use
Question 144
You can enter which types of data into worksheet cells?
a) Labels, values, and formulas
b) Lable3ls and values but not formulas
c) Values and formulas but not labels
d) Formulas only
Question 145
Getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is called
a) Accessing
b) Referencing
c) Updating
d) Functioning
Question 146
If the cell B1 contains the formula= $A$1, which of the following statemants is true
a) There is a relative reference to cell A1
b) There is an absolute reference to cell A1
c) Further changes in value of A1 will not affect the value of B1
d) Further changes in value of B1 will affect the value of A1
Question 147
The cell reference for cell range of G2 to M12 is
a) G2.M12
b) G2;M12
c) G2:M12
d) G2-M12
Question 148
What do you mean by a Workspace?
a) Group of Columns
b) Group of Worksheets
c) Group of Row
d) Group of Workbook
Question 149
Which of the following is concantenating operator?
a) Apostrophe (‘)
b) Exclamation (!)
c) Ampersand (&)
d) Hash (#)
Question 150
Which of the following options is not located in the Page Setup dialog box?
a) Page Brtak Preview.
b) Page Orientation
c) Margins
d) Headers and Footers
Question 151
Which of the following function will use to find the higherst number in a series of number?
a) MAX(B1;B3)
b) MAXIMUM (B1:B3)
c) HIGH (B1:B3)
d) HIGHEST (B1:B3)
Question 152
To select several cells or ranges that are not touching each other, you would while selecting
a) Hold down the Ctrl key
b) Hold down the Shift key
c) Hold down the Alt key
d) Hold down Ctrl+Shift key
Question 153
How to restrict to run a macor automatically when starting Microsoft Excel?
a) Hold down the SHIFT key during startup
b) Hold down the CTRL key during startu
c) Hold down the ESC key during startup
d) Hold down the ALT key during startup
Question 154
One can find “Autosum” option under
a) View tab
b) Insert tab
c) Data tab
d) Home tab
Question 155
Which of the following is correct syntax in Excel
a) IF (Logical Test, TrueResult, FalseResult)
b) IF (Logical Test, (TrueResult, FalseResult))
c) IF (LogicalTest, TrueResult)(LogicalTest, FalseResult)
d) IF (Logicaltest, TrueResult), IF (LogicalTest, FalseResult)
Question 156
You can convert existing excel worksheet data an charts to an HTML document by using
a) FTP wizard
b) Internet assistant wizard
c) Intranet wizard
d) Import wizard
Question 157
If you press….. the cell accepts your typing as its contents.
a) Enter
b) Ctrl+Enter
c) TAB
d) Insert
Question 158
Which command allows you to determine who can read, edit, and print a workbook?
a) Set Properties
b) Encrypt Document
c) Restrict Permission
d) Inspect Document
Question 159
In Excel, by default Numeric Values apperars in
a) Left aligned
b) Right aligned
c) Center aligned
d) Justify aligned
Question 160
How are data organized in a spreadsheet?
a) Height and width
b) Lines and spaces
c) Rows and columns
d) Layers and planes
Question 161
The box on the chart that contains the name of each individual record is called the___________.
a) Cell
b) Title
c) Axis
d) Legend
Question 162
Which of the folowing is a popular DOS based spreadsheet package?
a) Word
b) Smart cell
c) Excel
d) Lotus 1-2-3
Question 163
Which function Returns the specified number of characters from the end of a string?
d) MID
Question 164
Which of the following displays the contents of the active cell?
a) Active cell
b) E Formula bar
c) Menu bar
d) Name box
Question 165
Which option allows you to Bold all the negative values within the selected cell range:
a) Zero Formatting
b) Conditional Formatting
c) Compare formatting
d) Negative Formatting
Question 166
A function inside another function is known as?
a) Round function
b) Sandwich function
c) Switch function
d) Nested function
Question 167
By default, How many sheet are there in Excel-2003 or 2007 file?
a) 4
b) 3
c) 5
d) None
Question 168
The concatenate(), combine
a) Two serings
b) Two number
c) Both
d) None
Question 169
The default header for a worksheet is
a) Username
b) Date and Time
c) Sheet tab Name
d) None
Question 170
Total no. of cell reference in Excel
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) None
Question 171
True or false: the values that I enter in the scenario manager have an impant on my model.
Question 172
Which functyion round a number down to the nearest integer
b) INT()
c) ROUND()
d) None
Question 173
The autofill feature
a) Extends a sequential series of data
b) Automatically adds a range of cell values
c) Applies a boarder around selected cells
d) None of above
Question 174
The Name box on to the left of formula bar
a) Shows the name of worksheet currently working on
b) Shows the name workbook currently working on
c) Shows the name of cell or range currently working on
d) None of above
Question 175
Which of the following is a correct order of precedence in a formula calculation?
a) Multiplication and division, exponential positive and negative value
b) Multiplication and division, positive and negatove values, addition and subtraction
c) Addition and subtraction, positive and negative values, exponentiation
d) None of above
Question 176
You can check the conditions against__________ when applying conditional formatting
a) Formula
b) Cell value
c) Both of above
d) None of above
Question 177
You can edit a cell by
a) Selecting Edit> Edit Cell from the menu
b) Double clicking the cell to edit it in-place
c) Clicking the formula button
d) None of above
Question 178
How can you remove borders applied in cells?
a) Open the list on Border tool in Formatting toolbar then choose first tool (no boder)
b) Choose None on Border tab of format cells
c) Both 1 and 2 options
d) None of above
Question 179
Special category of Number tab in Format Cell dialog box can be used to apply formats like
a) Zip Code
b) Phon Number
c) Both 1 and 2 options
d) None of above
Question 180
“Goal Seek” can be applied on
a) Single Records
b) Multiple Records
c) Either A or B
d) None of the above
Question 181
$A$2 is an example of:
a) Absolute Reference
b) Relative Reference
c) Mixed Reference
d) None of the above
Question 182
Predict the output mof the following function:power (5,2)
a) 32
b) 25
c) 10
d) None of the above
Question 183
We can’t add axis title on
a) Pie Chart
b) Column Chart
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above
Question 184
What tool helps you to optimize the results of a model?
a) Scenario manager
b) Solver
c) Target value
d) None of the above
Question 185
Where a row and a column meet, what do you cell that?
a) A cell
b) A block
c) A box
d) None of the above
Question 186
Which of the following wil not set text in selected cells to italics?
a) Pressing Ctrl+ I on the keyboard
b) Using the tools- Wizard – Web From menu item
c) Using the Format – Cells – Font menu item
d) None of the above
Question 187
B7:B9 indicates:
a) Cells B7 and cell B9 only
b) Cell B8 only
c) Cells B7 through B9
d) None of the above
Question 188
Dta can be arranged in ascending or descending order by using
a) Sort command from Tools menu
b) Sort command from data
c) Sort command from Table menu
d) None of these
Question 189
Excel is a
a) Graphic program
b) Word processor
c) A spreadsheet
d) None of these
Question 190
When a formatted number dose not fit within a cell, it displays
a) #####
b) #DIV/0
c) #DIV@
d) None of these
Question 191
Exceptfor the……… function, a formula with a logical function shows the word “TRUE” or “FALSE” as a result
a) IF
b) AND
c) OR
d) NOT
Question 192
To show current system date in MS Excel, we use __ function
a) Date
b) Day
c) Today
d) Now
Question 193
Which of the following function will return a value of 8
a) ROUNDUP (8.4999,0)
b) ROUNDDOWN(8.4999, 0)
c) ROUND(8.4999, 0)
d) Only B and C
Question 194
You can use the drag and drop method to
a) Copy cell contents
b) Move cell contents
c) Add cell contents
d) Option 1 and 2
Question 195
The default style for new data keyed in a new workbook is?
a) Comma
b) Normal
c) Currency
d) Percent
Question 196
To create an interactive Pivot Table for the web, you have to use a Microsoft Office Web nomponent called
b) Pivot Table Filed List
c) Pivot Table List
d) Pivot table Report
Question 197
If you being typing an entry into a cell and then realize that you don’t want your entry placed into a cell, you:
a) Press the Erase key
b) Press Esc
c) Press the Enter button
d) Press the Edit formula button
Question 198
Which of the following describes how to select all the cells in a single column?
a) Right click on column and select pick from list
b) Use data – text to columns menu item
c) Left click on the gray column title button
d) Pressing Ctrl+a on the keyboard
Question 199
Which of the following will not cut information?
a) Pressing Ctrl+C
b) Selecting Edit> Cut from the menu
c) Clicking the Cut button on the standard
d) Pressing Ctrl+X
Question 200
Which of the following is not a way to complete a cell entry?
a) Pressing enter
b) Pressing any arrow key on the keyboard
c) Clicking the Enter button on the Formula bar
d) Pressing spacebar
Question 201
What is an expression that tells how the numers in a determined set of cells are to be calaulated?
a) Formula
b) Field
c) Data
d) Query Correct Answer:
Question 202
The accounting style show negativer numbers in
a) Bold
b) Brackets
c) Paranthesis
d) Quotes
Question 203
You accidentally erased a record in the shee What command canbe used to restore it immediately?
a) Insert
b) Copy
c) Undo
d) Replace
Question 204
One can find “Merge & Center” option under
a) View tab
b) Review tab
c) Home tab
d) Review
Question 205
Which tab is used to set a picture as a sheet background
Question 206
The spelling tool is placed on _ toolbar
a) Standard
b) Formatting
c) Drawing
d) Reviewing
Question 207
Which of the following setup cannot be set in the page setup dialog box?
a) Printer selection
b) Vertical or horizontal placemant
c) Orientation
d) Row and column titles
Question 208
When you use the fill effects in the format data series dialog box, you can not
a) Rotate text on the chart
b) Select a fore ground color
c) Select a pattern
d) Select a background color
Question 209
To insert three column between columns D and E you would
a) Select column D
b) Select column E
c) Select columns E,F and G
d) Select cloumns D,E and F
Question 210
How do you select an entire column?
a) Hold down the shift key as you click anywhere in the column
b) Click the column heading letter
c) Hold down the Ctrl key as you click anywhere in the column
d) Select Edit > Select> Column from the menu
Question 211
To save a workbook you:
a) Click the save button on the standard toolbar from the menu
b) Press Ctrl+F5
c) Click Save on the Windows Start button
d) Select Edit > Save
Question 212
To delete an embedded object, first
a) double click the object
b) select the object by clicking it
c) press the Shift + Delete keys
d) select it and then press the delete key
Question 213
How do you insert a row?
a) Right-click the row heading where you want to insert the new row and select Insert from the shortcut menu
b) All of the above
c) Select the column heading where you want to insert the new row and select >Row from the menu
d) Select the row hesding where you want to insert the new row and click the Insert Row button on the standard toobar
Question 214
Right clicking comething in Excel:
a) Deletes the object
b) Nothing the right mouse button is there for left handed people
c) Opens a shortcut menu listing everything you can do to the object
d) Selects the object
Question 215
Which of the following is not an example of a value?
a) 350
b) ########
c) 57%
d) Serial Number 50771
Question 216
The Cancel and Enter buttons appear in the:
a) Menu bar
b) Formula bar
c) Title bar
d) Sheet tabs
Question 217
How dose a reference to a range appear in the Consolidate dialog box?
a) SheetName!B3!:D7!
b) SheetName$B3$:D7
c) SheetName!$B$3:$D$7
d) SheetName!B3:D7
Question 218
All macro keyboard shortcuts include the _ key
a) Alt
b) Ctrl
c) F11
d) Shift
Question 219
Which of the following shortcuts can be used to insert a new line in the same cell?
a) Enter
b) Alt+Enter
c) Ctrl+Enter
d) Shift+Enter
Question 220
What is the shortcut key to insert new sheet in current workbook?
a) F11
b) Alt+F11
c) Ctrl+F11
d) Shift+F11
Question 221
To create multiple line in a single cell, we can press
Question 222
Text formulas:
a) Replace cell references
b) Return ASCII values of characters
c) Concatenate and manipulate text
d) Show formula error value
Question 223
Which of the following is not an underline option in the format cells dialog box?
a) Double
b) Single Accounting
c) Double Accounting
d) Single Engineering
Question 224
Multiple calculations can be made in a single formula using
a) Standard formulas
b) Array formula
c) Complex formulas
d) Smart formula
Question 225
Comments put in calls are called
a) Smart tip
b) Cell tip
c) Web tip
d) Soft tip
Question 226
What trem describes the workbook with an external reference formula?
a) Dependent workbook
b) External workbook
c) Path workbook
d) Source workbook
Question 227
To hold row and column titles in place so that they do not scroll when you scroll a worksheet click the
a) Unfreeze panes command on the window menu
b) Freeze panes command on the window menu
c) Hold titles command on the edit menu
d) Split command on the window menu
Question 228
To get the square root of a number, we use
a) SIN()
b) SQRT()
c) SQT()
d) SRT()
Question 229
Which area in an excel window allows entering values and formulas
a) Title bar
b) Menu bar
c) Formula bar
d) Standerd toolbar
Question 230
Which of the following is the oldest spreadsheet package?
a) VisiCals
b) Lotus 1-2-3
c) Excel
d) StarCalc
Question 231
A value used in a formula that dose not change is called a?
a) Constant
b) Cell address
c) Varaible
d) Static
Question 232
Which of the following component displays the contents of active cell?
a) Name box
b) Formula bar
c) Menu bar
d) Status bar
Question 233
Which of the following workbook files obtains data from other workbooks?
a) Dependent
b) Sample
c) Source
d) Summary
Question 234
Presenting data in a from of graph, we use
Question 235
“Qtr 1, Qtr 2, Qtr 3” is an example of a
a) Formula
b) Function
c) Series
d) Syntax
Question 236
To drag a selected range of data to another worjksheet in the same workbook,
a) Ctrtl key
b) Shift key
c) Alt key
d) Tab key
Question 237
In order perfrom a calculation in a spreadsheet, you need to use a:
a) Variable
b) Formula
c) Field
d) Table
Question 238
It is acceptable ot let long text flow into abjacent cells on a worksheet when
a) Data will be entered in the adjacent cells
b) No data will be entered in the adjacent cells
c) There is nt suitable addreviation of the text
d) Tehere is not time to format the next
Question 239
A function inside another function is called a…….. Function.
a) Nested
b) Round
c) Sum
d) Text
Question 240
Folowing which is a part of Microsoft Office
a) Excel
b) Mozilla Firefox
c) Google Chrome
d) All of the above
Question 241
What term describes a background that appears as a grainy, non smooth surface
a) Gradient
b) Pattern
c) Solid
d) Texture
Question 242
When creating a vertical page break
a) The active cell must be A1.
b) The active cell can be anywhere in the worksheet
c) The active cell must be in row 1
d) The active cell must be in column A
Question 243
The _ Chart wizard term data categories refers to
a) A chart plot area
b) A horizontal axis
c) The organization of individual values with a charts data series
d) The data range that supply chart data
Question 244
Weight refers to
a) The print density of characters
b) The widht of the printed character
c) The height of the printed character
d) The design and appearance of characters
Question 245
A smart tag will be removed from a cell whenE
a) The cell is moved
b) The cell is hidden
c) The data in the cell is changed or deleted
d) The formatting of the cell is changed
Question 246
What happens if you open a workbook with restricted access?
a) The sheets are hidden.
b) The security message panel opens.
c) The links are broken.
d) The formulas are deleted.
Question 247
You can group noncontiguous worksheet with
a) The alt+enter Key
b) The ctrl key and mouse
c) The shift key and the mouse
d) The group button on the standard toolbar
Question 248
Can you set left indentation for a cell in Excel?
a) Excel does not have indentation feature
b) You can specify indentation only if you turn the rulersw on
c) Indentation can be set from Format Cells dialog box
d) The indentation can be specified only when printing
Question 249
What tool is used to split the window into different parts of the same worksheet?
a) The title bar
b) The scroll bar
c) The toolbar
d) The split box
Question 250
Which button do you click to add up a series of numbers?
a) The autosum button
b) The Formula button
c) The quicktotal button
d) The total button
Question 251
Which of the following is invalid statement?
a) Some picture can be applied as a background of a seet
b) You can set the column width automatically fit the amount of text
c) Sheet tabs can be colored
d) The width of a row and be specified manually or fit automatically
Question 252
When you link data maintained in an excel workbook to a word document
a) The word document cannot be edit
b) The word document contains a reference to the original source application
c) The word document must contains a hyperlink
d) The word document contains a copy of the actual data
Question 253
H lookup options presenting
a) MS Word
b) Excel
c) Notepad
d) None of these
Question 254
Which of the following attributes applies to linked workbooks?
a) They are the same size.
b) They depend on one another.
c) They are located in the sane folder.
d) They are signed by one worker.
Question 255
A data map is helpful
a) When you have too much data to chart
b) To show a geographic distribution of data.
c) To compare data points
d) To show changes in data over time
Question 256
You can open the scenario Manager dialog box by choosing scenarios from the ……… menu.
a) View
b) Insert
c) Format
d) Tools
Question 257
MS-EXCEL can be used to automate
a) Accounts receivable, accounts payable
b) Any of the above
c) Financial statements, Business forecasting
d) Transaction registers, inventory control
Question 258
When consolidating by categroy, what option must be selected in the Consolidate dialog box?
a) Create links to source data
b) Top row and Left column
c) Use all references
d) Update values
Question 259
What function display row data in column data in a row?
a) Hyperlink
b) Index
c) Rows
d) Transpose
Question 260
Getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is called……
a) Functioning
b) Referencing
c) Accessing
d) Updating
Question 261
All worksheet formula
a) Manipulate values
b) Manipulate labels
c) Return a formula result
d) Use the addition operator
Question 262
If you want to have a blank line after the title in a worksheet,
a) What is the best thing for you to do?
b) Insert a row
c) Re-format the spreadsheet Increase the column widht
d) Use the spacebar
Question 263
To edit data in an embedded Excel worksheet object in a Word document
a) Use the excel menu bar and toolbars inside the word application
b) Edit the hyperlink
c) Edit the data in a Excel cource application
d) Use the Word menu ber and toolbars
Question 264
When you insert an excel file into a word document.a
a) The data are
b) Hyperlinked planed in a word table Linked
c) Embedded
d) Use the word menu bar and toolbars
Question 265
To create a formula, you can use:
a) Values but not cell references
b) C cell rerferences but not values
c) Values or cell references although not both at the same time
d) Value and cell references
Question 266
What will be the result if you type =A1=B1 in cell C1?
a) Yes or No
b) True or False
c) Value of A1
d) Value of B1
Question 267
What term describes a background that appears as a grainy, non smooth surface?
a) Pattern
b) Gradient
c) Texture
d) Velvet
Question 268
Which menu option can be sued to split windows into two
a) Format > window
b) View > window > split
c) Window > split
d) View > split
Question 269
You can use the horizontal and vertical scroll bars to
a) Split a worksheet into two panes
b) View different rows and columns edit the conents of a cell
c) Edit the contents of a cell
d) View different worksheets
Question 270
What term refers to a specific set of values saved with the workbook?
a) Range
b) Scenario
c) Trend line
d) What-if analysis
Question 271
Rounding errors can occur
a) When you use multipluication, division or exponentiation in a formula
b) When you use addition and subtraction in a formula
c) Because Excel uses hidden decimal places in computation
d) When you show the results of formulas with different decimal places then the calculated results
Question 272
Files created with Lotus 1-2-3 have extension
a) DOC
b) XLS
c) 123
d) WK1
Question 273
The Software which contains rows and columns is called__________
a) Database
b) Drawing
c) Spreadsheet
d) Word processing
Question 274
An excel workbook is a collection of
a) Workbooks
b) Worksheet
c) Charts
d) Worksheets and charts
Question 275
Which one is the last column header in Excel 2007?
a) XFD
b) XFX
c) XFL
d) XFT
Question 276
If youy the administrator, what is an option for editing a document with restricted access?
a) You can change the permission.
b) You can break the links.
c) You can rename the workbook.
d) You can cut and copy the workbook.
Question 277
You can set Page border in Excel from
a) From Border tab in Format Cells dialog box
b) From Border tool in Formatting toolbar
c) From Line Style tool in Drawing toolbar
d) You can not set page border in Excel
Question 278
Each excel file is called a workbook because
a) It can contain text and data
b) It can be modified
c) It can contain many sheet including worksheets and chart sheets
d) You have to work hard to create it
Question 279
What should be add before a fraction to avoid entering it as a date?
a) //
b) FR
c) Zero
d) Zero space
Question 280
Which of the following is true about Find and Replace in Excel
a) Ctrl+H
b) Ctrl+P
c) Ctrl+k
d) Ctrl+M